Chapter 22 - Luca P.O.V

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Since I was a kid, I haven't had a lot of true happy moments in my life, but there have been a few. Whether I wanted to admit it then or not, finding Celia was one of those moments. Her black hair cascaded down her back in large curls, and her dress fit her perfectly. She was like an angel. I remember seeing her in the main room at the ball room. The moment I saw her I knew. She had been glued to her father's side, and I couldn't help but stand frozen, watching her. 

She had been tugging at her sleeves, as if she was trying to pull them over her hands, but they weren't stretching at all. Her eyes were wide, and she seemed worried. I watched as her father spoke to her before walking away, leaving her alone looking terrified. She looked around for a moment, the panic in her eyes growing more intense before she finally bolted from the room. 

I couldn't lose her. I didn't know what I'd say to her, and I kept telling myself I didn't want her, but I just couldn't lose her. I tried to follow her through the winding hallways, but I lost her in the maze. When I realized the hallway I had taken came to a dead end, I turned around, heading to the other. 

Halfway there I heard her cries. I rushed down the hall, trying to remind myself I didn't want her, but not being able to handle the thought of her being in danger. 

Just the memory of that worthless mutt with his hands on her made me see red. I couldn't even think about what might have happened had I not followed her, or got there in time. 

Another good moment was seeing her fight. She always had a look of fear in her eyes it seemed, but something about her was also fearless.  She fought well, and her Gift amazed me every time I witnessed it. She was powerful, strong, fearless, yet also fragile, scared, and soft. 

When Alice came back with the news of her kidnapping, I thought I would lose my mind. I felt helpless,  and more scared than I ever had before. Her return added another truly happy moment to my life.

The more time I spent with Celia, the more happy moments I accumulated. Sitting on the couch, next to my sister whom I'd thought was dead, knowing that Celia was standing in the kitchen, safe, I felt a feeling of peace that I hadn't felt in so long. Unfortunately, it didn't last long, because when Celia's glass shattered on the floor, so did the feeling. 

I was laughing at something Belle had told me when it happened. I quickly turned in the direction of the noise, only to see Celia lying on the floor. It was as though I couldn't get to her fast enough, like she was mile away and I was running in place. 

When I got to her her eyes met mine, and filled with tears. She looked so afraid and it broke my heart that I didn't know how to help her. I panicked as her eyes closed. 

"What happened?! Alice what happened?" I yelled. 

"I- I don't know" Alice's shaking voice replied. "She said her head was hurting but-" 

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled angrily. "She should have healed by now, somethings wrong, you should have known that!" 

"I'm so sorry." Alice cried.

 "I've got to get her to Bailey." I said quickly, scooping her up and running. 

"What happened?!" Bailey asked, jumping up from her desk and running towards us. 

"Her head was still hurting, then she just fell. I don't know Bailey, please help her." I said, shaking my head. 

"Bring her in here, quick." Bailey said leading us to a room. "She should have healed." She said as she shook her head. 

"Oh no.." She whispered. 

"Bailey whats going on?!" I yelled.

"The wolfsbane was in her blood too long, its causing her blood to clot." She said running from the room, only to return a moment later with an arm full of supplies. 

"The only thing that may help is to push a triple amount of the antidote to kill the clots, which are laced with the wolfsbane. It may kill them, but this much antidote is dangerous, Luca. This is our only shot though, if we don't at least try it she will die." She told me. 

I could barely speak after what she'd told me, but managed to mumble an, "Ok." 

She could die.

She could die. 

She could die. 

Those three words were all I could hear as I stood by her bed, her limp hand in mine. 

I felt like I just kept ending up here. Staring down at her, unable to do anything to help her. This had been my fear since the moment I laid eyes on her. It had been what convinced me pushing her away was my best option, but now all I could think about was that if I did lose her, I'd waisted time most our time together.  I'd caused her pain that I didn't know how to undo, and wouldn't get a chance to if she didn't wake up. 

The thoughts were terrifying me. 

Finally Bailey stepped away from the bed. "Will she be okay?" I whispered, my eyes not leaving her face. 

"All we can do is wait." Bailey said quietly, placing her hand on my arm before leaving the room. 

- - - - - - - - 


I wrote this chapter while watching Grey's Anatomy. Then I realized I named my pack doctor "Doctor Bailey" before I ever even started watching Grey's and now I'm laughing. I watch too much Grey's Anatomy. 

Hope you liked the chapter! Its weird writing in a guys POV. Lol 

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