Chapter 19

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Once Alice faded from view they made me shift so we could make it out of the territory before we were caught. My dress was tied tightly around my ankle, and I gave it an occasional glance, making sure it stayed in place. I looked at their backpacks, fastened to them tightly with no chance of falling, and felt annoyed. They could have at least put my dress in there. I don't know what I'd do if I lost it, and the probably wouldn't let me go back for it. 

We ran and ran for what felt like hours. Exhausted and thirsty I started thinking of all that had happened since I'd came here. I thought of all the friends if made, Alice with her Social Gift, Nick, a warrior, and Luca, surprisingly with the Nature Gift like me. I thought of their personalities and how much I would miss them if I never made it back.

These thoughts swirling in my head made me realize I would do anything to get away. I had to come up with a plan. The sun was beginning to set and I knew I couldn't go through with my plan until they were sleeping. I had to give them a reason to stop. 

I collapsed, pretending I was too weak to run any further.

One of them shifted, quickly putting on the pair of shorts tied to his leg.

He approached me as the other stayed in wolf form ready to attack in case I tried something. "Get up." He said, kicking me in the ribs. 

I winced, but didn't move from the ground. The man sighed, obviously annoyed and frustrated. "Whatever, we'll camp here for the night." He said, grabbing his backpack and pulling out a sleeping bag and some water. 

Seeing his water made me realize how terribly thirsty I was, but I knew if everything went as planned I would be back home soon, and thats all that mattered. As the thought crossed my mind I realized I had started to think of Silver Claw as my home. I'd made so many friends, and I had Luca. I was already missing him. My heart hurt imaging never seeing him again. 

The other man soon shifted and set up his sleeping bag too. They finally left to look for firewood, not straying to far, and constantly checking up on me to make sure I hadn't made a run for it. Once the fire was started one of them took a rope and tightly bound my hands and feet. 

Once they were sure I wouldn't be escaping they took to their sleeping bags and were out like a light. I laid still for a long time, faking sleep until I heard their snores. 

I slowly sat up checking my surroundings for anything I may cut the rope with, but was disappointed to find nothing. The disappointment was short lived though, when I noticed some vines, hanging low from the trees. 

I knew what I had to do. 

Focusing on the vines I held my hands out towards them. Slowly they grew longer and longer wrapping around the rope that bound my hands, pulling them until they snapped. I quickly untied my my feet and stood, looking for a weapon. 

I stepped toward the backpack one had laying beside him, but knew I'd made a mistake when I stepped on a stick, it making a loud SNAP right beside his head. 

He jumped to  his feet so quickly I fell backwards. His hand was around my neck beforeI could return to my feet, blocking my air. I choked and clawed at his hands, but he wasn't letting go. I felt something  stab into my arm, but ignored it as I fought for my life. 

I looked at his orange eyes that were now glowing red and one thing was for sure, he was going to kill me. 

I struggled to press my hand against his chest, but finally rested it right on his heart. I closed my eyes, a tear rolling down my face as I used my Gift to take his life. I was filled with an energy that wasn't my own, but knew I'd had no other choice. If I wouldn't have, he would have killed me. 

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