Chapter 10

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I attacked.

Surprised by my sudden attack, he fell backwards into the snow. His recovery was quick, and before I could land a bite, I felt a stinging in my paw.

From there on we rolled through the snow, biting, clawing, fighting for our lives. I knew I was being wounded badly, but the adrenaline rushing through me was pushing the pain away, for now. Eventually I felt him use his claws to rip through my side. That was enough for me.

I had thought maybe I could fight him off, just enough to make him reconsider his attack. I was wrong. I didn't want to, but I knew what i had to do. I used my remaining energy to sink my claws into his back, and bite deeply into his neck.

I felt the power, but it wasn't the same feeling of growing a plant, healing, or giving life. It was dark, sad, draining.

He fell limp underneath me and I fell into the snow. I looked around me, the snow was colored red with our blood, and fur was scattered about. I noticed the snow under me was growing red at an alarming rate and realized if I didn't get back to the pack house soon I would bleed to death.

My legs shook terribly as I carefully made my way back. Luckily I was over half way home before he decided to attack me, so I didn't have to go far.

By the time I made it to the door I was crawling. Still in wolf form, I scratched at the front door. My eyes began to feel heavy and I fought to keep them open.

The door opened and I soon heard Alice's voice screaming for Nick. She fell to my side and Nick came racing out.

"What happened? Is that Celia?!" His voice was shaking as they lifted me, carrying me to the couch in the living room.

"Alice, go get a blanket, she needs to shift! Quick!" He yelled. Alice ran off and returned a moment later, blanket in hand.

They covered me, and Nick sat on the floor in front of me, stroking my face.

"You need to shift Celia, the doctors on her way but she can't help you in your wolf form." He told me softly.

Shifting was difficult, I had so little energy left, but I finally managed, and Alice pulled the blanket up, tucking it in around me. My eyes were closing on their own, I couldn't control it anymore.

"No no no! Celia! Eyes open! Eyes open!" Nick was beginning to panic.

"I.. trying.." I managed to whisper.

Nick stood, yelling, "Luca!" so loud the whole town must have heard him.

Luca ran in, looking around for the source of Nick's panic, when his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened and he froze.

"You need to go talk to her. She's falling asleep, and if she falls asleep, she won't be waking up, Luca." Nick said, shaking Luca.

"I dont, I don't know what to say." Luca said quietly, his voice sounded so scared, listening to him now was enough to keep me hanging on.

"You need to go now!" Nick said shoving him toward the couch.

My eyes were so heavy now, I could hardly fight it.


I looked up, feeling more in control. Luca crouched down at eye level, his eyes were full of fear, sadness, and anger, but not anger towards me.

"Hey.." I spoke weakly.

"Hey.." He said back quietly. "I'm going to find who did this, I promise." He said as he brushed my hair out of my eyes. Maybe I should have almost died a long time ago..

I looked away from his eyes, remember the feeling of taking that mans life. "He's.. Dead.." I spoke.

Luca's eyes widened. "Theres no way. Any wolf who did this much damage had to be at least twice your size."

Suddenly the doctor rushed over to us, and everyone moved away. She worked quickly, stitching up the bigger wounds and putting bandages over the smaller ones. "She's lost too much blood, we need to get her to the medical center." She said quickly.

Luca picked me up, carrying me as we quickly followed the doctor to the medical center. He carefully put me on the hospital bed and the pack doctor hooked up an IV.

I could no longer keep my eyes open, and the moment they closed, I was out.

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