Chapter 18

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The weeks passed and the cold winter soon began to fade. It seemed as though I watched the snow melt and trees turn green in a matter of moments from my bedroom window. I'd grown stronger from training and was in better shape than I'd ever been in. Luca was constantly going through swings of happiness to fear and sadness, and as exhausting as it was to keep up with, I knew  it was much harder on him than me.

My anxiety had improved due to the constant contact with people in training. In the beginning, forcing myself to talk to and fight with strangers had seemed impossible, but now it was just an everyday thing.  I still felt it occasionally but it was getting better. I had to constantly defend myself against Bree's verbal and occasionally physical attacks, giving me confidence I didn't know I had.

The air outside was warm, and the sun sparkled through the windows, giving the house a bright and happy feel. I woke up to the sun shining over my face and stretched. Luca had given my a credit card to redecorate my room, and while I hated to use it, Alice had no problem spending his money.

"Our government," She explained to me, "The Supernatural Committee, pays our Alphas and other supernatural leaders very well to take care of their packs and communities. The more efficient and smoothly the pack is run, the more money the pack makes. Keeping all the supernatural species happy helps to prevent wars, or humans finding out about us." 

My dad was a beta and he made very good money, I never knew all about that though.

"But where does the Committee get its money?" I asked confused.

"The human governments. They know of our existence and pay to keep it secret from the rest of the world." She said casually.

"Oh." I answered.

I later found out that while we had been looking at online shops on her laptop, she had been buying everything I complimented. I was pretty shocked when all the boxes showed up at the door.

I was currently snuggled up in my Urban Outfitters bed set, it had a faded look, and was covered in intricate designs of all colors.  Gorgeous rugs covered my floor and my window seat was decorated with colorful pillows and a faux fur throw blanket. Alice had paid attention to everything I liked, even when I didn't say it. A small glass top vanity with gold colored metal and a round mirror sat against the wall, one of my favorite pieces she'd ordered.

I stretched before finally pushing my blanket aside and getting up, going to my window. I pressed my hand to the glass, feeling its warmth, and smiled. I left my room heading to the kitchen to get my morning coffee. I met a sleepy Alice in the kitchen doing the same, her bright red hair frizzy and knotted.

"Morning Alice!" I chirped, feeling unusually happy today.

"No talk, first coffee." She mumbled, sitting on the counter by the coffee maker with her eyes shut.

I laughed, waiting for her coffee to finish making. It finally finished and I handed her her mug, placing mine in its place. She shuffled to the fridge mixing creamer, milk, and sugar into her mug before drinking it.

"So" I said, mixing my coffee as well. "What should we do today?"

Happy Alice was finally making an appearance after finishing her coffee and she answered, "Its so beautiful outside! We should definitely go do something out there." She pointed out the window.

I drank the last sip of my coffee. "Your right. Want to go on a walk?" I asked placing our mugs into the sink.

"Yeah! I'll go get changed!" She said running towards her room in her pajamas. I laughed and ran back to mine to change as well.

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