Chapter 7

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The weeks passed slowly. Even with the presence of Alice and Nick constantly hanging around trying to console me, I felt terribly lonely. I rarely saw Luca, and when I did, the most I got from him was a passing glance. It hurt worse each time.

Each day the temperature would drop lower and lower, the cold settling in around us. Alice was trying to fill the hole my heart with the endless amounts of hot chocolate she was constantly supplying me with, but it wasn't helping much.

The pack that had been threatening us was becoming more of a threat each day. We'd recently discovered they had sent a few rouges to spy on us, but we captured them. They'd been in the pack cells for about two weeks now, but still wouldn't talk. I had a feeling they would starve to death before they said a word.

I was sitting in a window seat I had found on the second story of the pack house. It had a beautiful view, looking out over the forest, and I came here a lot to read. With my back against the wall and my knees pulled up to my chest, I tugged my sweater sleeves further down my wrists, this time not out of nerves, but because it was freezing cold in here. I sighed. I couldn't read my book in these conditions! Hopping off the bench I went to find Nick, hoping he could do something about the temperature in the house.

As I walked I thought about my dad and Leah. They had called quite a bit, and it was starting to get difficult lying to them about how everything was going.

I wasn't paying attention and suddenly slammed my face into something, or should I say someone. Looking up, my breath caught as I realized I had walked right into Luca.

"I'm so sorry.." I mumbled. "I was just looking for Nick." I said, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Why?" He asked without any trace of emotion.

"Well, um, its kind of cold in here, and I thought.."

He cut me off, "Could you not have asked me?" His tone seemed a hint angry this time.

"Oh, I just didn't think.." I gripped the sleeve of my shirt, looking at the floor, feeling like a child being scolded. He expected me to go to him? After everything he's putting me through?

He rolled his eyes, and began to walk away, motioning for me to follow. He led me to the thermostat and began to show me how to work it.

"And then-" As he reached to show me, the sleeve of his shirt rose up his arm, revealing countless, deep, jagged, scars covering his skin. I couldn't help but gasp when I saw them.

His eyes instantly went to his arm, yanking his sleeve back down, his eyes darkened, and he stormed off.

I stood still, wondering what caused them, if it was only his arm that went through such horror, how much pain it caused him, why he was angry I saw them. So many questions raced through my head, I didn't know which one needed answered first.

Now, I really did need to find Nick.

-Author's Note-

So, I'm so so so sorry its taken me so long to update :( I've been sick and out of school all year so I'm trying to finish everything up and get it all turned in from home, but this is my last week! Woohoo! :D I love when you guys comment, it makes me so so so happy! :) I'm sorry this was short, I didn't even think about updating until I saw all the new comments, and then I knew I must, for you! :* So thank youuu! KEEP ON BEING AMAZING

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