Chapter 5

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"Remember Celia, people like us are capable of many things. If people find this out they will try to use you. You need to always remember who you are, and the good thats inside of you." My mother told me while she placed her hands over mine, cradling the flower that had yet to bloom.

"The energy inside us is a gift. It is to be used for healing, and joy. While it can bring life to that which is around us," Before my eyes the flower grew and bloomed. "it can also bring death." The light pink petals began to wilt and soon were black and crisp.

"Most Nature Gifted wolves aren't capable of these things. The gift we posses is Nature, yes, but we also have access to the other 3 Gifts. Its something that has been passed through my family as long as I can remember. No one knows of it, and it needs to stay that way for our safety." She told me lightly touching my cheek.

"I will teach you everything my family has taught me, but you need to remember, this is a dangerous secret. If it becomes known, they will come for you."

I had never known who she was speaking of, and still don't, but the matter of these people asking for me made me wonder if they knew. Why else would they be coming after me, but then again, how could they know?

All the questions had my head spinning and I rushed from the room. Finding my way back at my door, I slammed it behind myself and sat against it. This was supposed to be my happily ever after.

Suddenly there was a knocking on my door.

"Celia? Its Nick, Luca needs to speak with you. I'm here to take you to his office." He said softly.

I sighed, standing up, it was starting to get late and I was begining to get really tired.

I followed Nick through the halls and when we finally reached our destination my heart was racing. Nick gave me a small smile before disappearing back down the hallway. Gripping the sleeves of my sweater I finally turned the doorknob and stepped inside.

Luca looked up at me, his cold eyes meeting mine. "Sit."

I took a seat infront of his desk, fearing he was mad at me.

"It appears we have a bit of a problem. As I'm sure Nick informed you, there are some people who want you, and since you belong to me, I can't allow that." He spoke of me more as if I were a possession than his mate. "What I need you to tell me, is why. Why do these people want you?" His eyes were serious, and I panicked, not knowing what to say.

"I, um.. I dont.. I don't know.." I told him looking at my hands that lay in my lap.

I jumped as he slammed his fist down on his desk. "Don't make this difficult Cecelia! I know your lying, just tell me why!" He said through gritted teeth.

"I can't." I whispered.

"And why not?" He asked me sounding annoyed. That was it. I couldn't take this. He had been the total opposite of welcoming and now he expected me to tell him my biggest secret because I "belonged to him"? No.

"Because I won't! I don't have to. I don't belong to you and you obviously don't want me so you know what, this would be so much easier if you would just reject me!" I yelled, tears falling down my face. I had never yelled at anyone before, but I couldn't handle this.

"I'm not going to reject you." He smirked.

"Fine. I Cecelia Rain, reject you, -" The smirk was gone and he jumped up staring at me.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." He said lowly.

"Luca Michaels." I whispered.

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