Chapter 17

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By the time we arrived at the pack doctor, my wounds were almost fully healed. The already faded bruises were beginning to vanish, as if they'd never been there in the first place. 

"I'm already healed, theres no need to waste her time." I told Luca. 

"I'm not arguing with you on this, theres no way your already healed, it just happened. It would take at least an hour to fully heal." He answered leading me further down the hallways to Doctor Bailey's office. 

"Luca" I said softly, grabbing his hand, stopping him from continuing. "Look at me." 

He turned, and looked over my face slowly, eyes widening. 

"How are you already healed?" He asked surprised. 

"The Gift. It helps me heal much quicker than other wolves." I spoke quietly, not used to talking about my Gift out loud. 

"Oh. Well I still want you to see Doctor Bailey." He said turning and dragging me along. 

"Luca, no!" I laughed. "I don't want to waste her time, I'm sure she has other patients who need her more than I do." I smiled. 

He sighed. "Fine, we'll go home and eat. I'm starving." He said finally turning as we left her office. 

When we entered the pack house the smell of breakfast was strong in the air. As we made our way towards the kitchen the smell grew stronger, and the sound of Alice singing became louder. I ran ahead of Luca, tiptoeing towards the kitchen, turning I looked at Luca and held my finger up to my lips signaling him to be quiet. I entered the kitchen quietly hiding behind the kitchen island, until I was right behind her. 

Jumping out I grabbed her shoulders making the scariest noise I could make. 

"AHH!" She screamed so loud I had to cover my ears as the bowl of flour and eggs she was mixing went flying. 

"Celia! I almost had a heart attack! Nick is running patrol this morning and I thought you were still at training! Where's Luca by the way?" She asked. 

"I'm here." He said bitterly. 

When we turned to look at him we both nearly fell to the ground laughing. He was covered head to toe in flour and egg was covering his hair and running down the side of his face. 

"Oh my Luca, I'm so sorry, but its really not my fault it was all Celia." Alice said breathless from laughing. 

"Oh I know." He said quietly inching towards me. 

"Luca?" I said backing away slowly. "Stay." I said before my back hit the counter. Shoot. 

"What? I just want to see what Alice was cooking." He said smirking. 

I bolted through the back door before he could get any  closer. Running through the yard I heard the door open again as he chased after me. I was fast, but not faster than him I realized as he picked me up by my waist spinning me to face him. 

His eyes were shining with happiness as he laughed holding me close, covering me in flour as well. I smiled up at him, completely seeing a new side of him I'd never seen before. 

Looking in his eyes I watched as the happiness that had been shining slowly turned distant, as if he was reliving a memory. 

Fear and sadness flashed through his face as he took a step back and looked at the ground. "I should probably go get cleaned up. I'll see you at breakfast." He said emotionless, making his way back into the house. 

My heart felt heavy as the door closed behind him. Was he ever going to open up to me and let his walls down? Would it always be like this? What happened to him to make him like this? So many questions were running through my mind and I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

I jumped quickly trying to identify the owner of the hand  on my shoulder. 

Nick laughed. "Just me Ce." He smiled. "I know it seems like your never going to get through to him, but I've never seen him smile or laugh like he just did since we were kids." He assured me.  "He's got a lot of things to work through, and learning to trust someone with his heart again is going to be a battle for him." 

"Who did this to him?" I asked quietly looking towards the house. 

Nick sighed. "Its not my story to tell, but I won't keep you in the dark completely. When me and Luca were kids he was close with his dad, Calvin. Really close. But one day Calvin just flipped. No one knows why but one day he was a great dad and husband, then  the next he was the most awful evil man I'd ever met in my life. He didn't care about anyone or anything. It was as if the only thing he felt  was the joy that came from causing others pain." 

I stood silent. I was so shocked that the man that killed my mother used to be a normal alpha who loved his pack and family. I can't imagine if my dad suddenly went crazy and was as evil as Calvin turned. 

I nodded my head at Nick and went back to the house, appetite gone. 

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