Chapter 13

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 When all you've known is hate, its hard to understand love.

His words had been haunting me all week, enough that I had lost sleep over it. I hadn't spoken to him since, and I didn't know what to say when I did. He had been keeping himself locked up in his office all day, working.

I spent my time trying to think up a sentence, or even a few words to say to him, but I was lost. With that single sentence he had created so many questions. I know Nick said he had a rough childhood, but I was beginning to think that was sugar-coating it.

I had enough of sitting in my room, slowly letting my thoughts kill me, so I showered, got dressed, and ran out my door. On my way to Luca's office I grabbed a small pot of flowers sitting in the window at the end of the hall. If I wanted him to open up to me, I would have to open up to him.

I ran all the way to his door, and didn't stop until I was face to face with it. I didn't give myself time to overthink was I was about to do, so I quickly swung open the door and stepped inside. Luca's eyes snapped up from his desk and met mine. Confusion covered his features as he eyed the flower pot I had nestled in my arms.

"You brought me flowers?" He asked, his tone matching the confusion on his face. I couldn't help it as the corners of my lips turned up in a small smile. "Not quite."

The coldness I had grown accustomed to returned to his eyes and I pulled the chair from the front of his desk around to his side. I sat as close as I could to him and sat the flowers down.

"I know your hurt, and whatever hurt you makes it hard for you to open up. Its hard for me to open up to. I want to make us work though, so if facing my fears and leaving my comfort zone is what it takes, I wont hesitate." I told him, keeping my eyes on his.

I turned my focus to the flowers that I had placed on his desk. Slowly I let my hand circle them, and then carefully touched each petal. I watched Luca's eyes grow wide as the flowers grew, changed color, and then slowly wilted until nothing remained but a charred pile of leaves and petals.

As he remained silent I decided to explain.

"While I am strongest in Nature, I also possess the other three Gifts. I can help things live, but I can also take their lives away. My mother had the same Gift, and my grandmother, and great-grandmother. She taught me how to use it, but also taught me to keep it hidden. If people knew of it, they would try to manipulate me, use me. Now someone knows, and they're after me. The wolf who attacked me, the rouge, he knew."

Luca's eyes met mine, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't I tell you my biggest secret? Luca I know nothing about you and you expected me to just open up and tell you everything?"

"This is different, this is putting your life in danger."

"How do I know everything your keeping from me isn't putting your life in danger, Luca?" I asked, beginning to get frustrated with him.

"Because I'm keeping it from you for your own good! You would regret wanting to know anything, and I'm not going to do that to you!" He yelled back.

He sighed, leaning on his desk and looking down.

"My family, my father. He was awful, Celia. The things he did, I don't want you knowing them changing the way you see me. Make you leave, even." He said quietly.

I approached him slowly, afraid that like a startled animal, if I were to make any sudden movements he would run.

"I'm not going anywhere, and your far from who your father was." I whispered, placing my hand over his.

He turned to look at me, emotions swirling in his eyes.

"He knew Celia. He knew about you and your mom. The attack was to kill your mother and bring you back to the pack so that he could use you to conquer other packs."

I couldn't breath as I watched him tightly close his eyes and when they opened again, I saw fear.

"He's still alive, Celia. And he won't be giving up."

-Authors Note-

Decided to finish the chapter anyway ;) Hope you love it. Vote and comment, loves. <3  

779 words ;)  

The Scared and The ScarredOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz