Chapter 28

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My eyes fluttered open, the bright sun making me blink as I pulled the covers up under my chin, snuggling back into my pillows and closing my eyes.

Suddenly I was pulled to the other side of the bed, laughing as arms wrapped tight around me.

"Careful, Luca. You're squishing Celeste." I laughed as I pushed him away.

"No," Luca whispered to my pregnant belly. "Daddy would never hurt you." He spoke softly, kissing my belly, making me laugh again.

"Come on, I've got something to show you." He smiled, standing from the bed.

"Does it have anything to do with why you didn't come to bed until well past midnight?" I asked with a smile as I stood.

"Maybe.." He replied.

Taking my hand he led me to the door across from ours, covering my eyes as we entered the room.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded my head in return.

When he removed his hand from my eyes, I looked around the room. The walls were painted a crisp white, and the crib and other furniture were made with dark wood which contrasted well with the walls. I gasped as I looked at the beautiful intricate paintings of flowers and other vines and leaves that decorated the walls in silver and light green. The baby blankets and bedding were all a light green as well. It was perfect.

"I thought it would be fitting, since her Gift will be Nature, like ours.." Luca said softly.

"I love it." I grinned, kissing him.

It had been a year since the day of the attack. The day he was nearly taken away from me. It took me weeks to recover from the amount of damage I caused myself healing him, but it was worth every minute of it.

Once we were both fully recovered, he took me to the backyard, in the exact spot I'd healed him, and he told me how stupid I was for almost killing myself to save him. But he also told me how much he loved me for how selfless I am, and how he loved every part of who I am.

Then he asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. Things weren't perfect, and I didn't expect them to be, but my life had turned out better than I ever could have imagined. We still had our arguments, and the occasional walls to break through, but I was beyond happy.

 He still had moments when his past haunted him, and I still had moments where I was afraid, but I was scared and he was scarred, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us.

The End


I cant believe its over :O I just want to say thank you soo much to all of you who have read this book, commented, voted, followed me, ugh, I cant explain to you how much it means to me. If it weren't for all of you, I would have never finished this book, but I'm so glad I did.

But were not finished yet! Oh no no no, a sequel WILL follow! But while Luca and Celia, and baby Celeste of course ;) will be a part of the book, Alice will be the main character this time around. Who's excited? I know I am! I'm so excited to start on her book, I hope you all will stick with me through her story as well!

Thank you again for all the love you gave this book, it means the world to me! I hope you all liked the ending! I had so many 'Celia recovering' scenes that I didn't want to add another repetitive scene. Anyway, I love you all, and thanks again! :D

The first chapter of Alice's book will be up soon.

"Blind Love"

Hmm, what could it be about I wonder?

Stay tuned. ;) 

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