Chapter 14

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The weeks after he told me about his father still being alive were nearly unbearable. Just as I thought we were beginning to do better together, it was back to square one. He stayed in his office most of the time drawing up defense plans with Nick. The only time I saw him was as he passed me in the hallway or the kitchen. 

Nick would give me sad glances when he thought I wasn't looking, but I could always feel them. I wasn't allowed to run outside anymore, because of the danger, so I spent most my time with Alice watching movies or playing board games. 

We were in the middle of a game of Monopoly in the living room floor when Nick came in. I laughed as Alice had to hand over most of her money, grumbling about me cheating as she did so. 

"Celia, Luca wants to talk to you." As the words left his mouth my laughter stopped, and my shocked eyes met Nick's. 

"He wants to talk to me?" I asked quietly, too shocked to believe it. He'd been avoiding me for weeks, never saying a word. Why now? 

"Yeah, he's in his office." He spoke seriously. "I'll make sure Alice doesn't steal you money while your gone." The smile on his face and joking tone of his voice didn't fool me. He was worried, which made my fear grow. 

I made my way through the winding hallways as slowly as I could, hoping that maybe I would never reach his office, but my thoughtful hopes stopped as soon as I came face to face with the door my mate was behind. I stood for a while, thinking over all the possible scenarios in my head when the door suddenly opened in front of me. I jumped, not expecting it, and then froze when I met his eyes. 

Those eyes I had found myself missing more and more the longer we were apart. 

He turned, walking  back towards his desk, and I followed him, assuming that was my cue. I took a seat before him, clasping my hands together in an effort to stop their shaking, but to no avail. My eyes slowly moved from the floor, up to meet his. He looked emotionless, just as I feared he would. 

"Tomorrow you will start training with the pack warriors." He stated, getting up from his chair and opening the door as if to tell me to leave. 

"W-what?" I turned in my seat to look at him, shocked. "I-I can't."

"You can, and you will. You can go now." He spoke back, not even looking in my direction. 

I stood from my chair quickly, my voice shook but I tried to hide it. "No! I can't! You don't understand!" 

Before I knew it he stood right in front of me, staring into my fearful eyes with his angry ones. "Actually, I do understand. I understand that if you don't train, you'll die. If you don't know how fight, how are you going to survive this attack? The answer is simple, you're not. He'll kill you just like he's ever killed anything in my life that I love!" 

His voice grew louder with every sentence but it didn't prevent me from catching what he'd said. 

He loved me? 


Kinda  a short chapter, but as soon as this one goes up, another will be written and published. I just didn't wanna keep you all waiting :) I have so much to tell you all! :D I'm soon starting a job as a makeup artist at a salon, I've put in an application to model, which I'm still waiting to hear back on, I've designed some jewelry which I'll be selling in the salon, AND, IM GOING TO PROM. This one makes me so happy, because when you homeschool, you can't go to prom, and I didn't really know any guys, but one of my friends knew someone who didn't have a date, so I'm going with him! So exciting! I'm also, again, so sorry for how long I made you all wait. Ugh. If I ever go even a week without posting, I encourage you to all go  direct message me on my Instagram. I'm not even kidding, because sometimes I have so much going on I forget about this book, but when I started writing it, I made a commitment to all of you to finish it, and I will. So seriously, remind me if you have to. My Instagram is _kylie.marie I would seriously love to hear from some of you, whether it be about the book, or just to talk. It makes me so happy to have people enjoying what I write, so I would love to talk to some of you! :) 

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