🕊11: Connections🕊

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Note: Doves are now being used to indicate Nisha's point of view. I will explain other emojis used when we get to their parts. Thank you. For those of you who may not be able to see emojis, I will use a header image with the dove.

 For those of you who may not be able to see emojis, I will use a header image with the dove

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“Is Chishiya usually cold to newcomers?”

“Not really. He mostly just keeps to himself. Why?”

“He just seems... a bit distant.” I shrug. I catch a glimpse of myself in Kuina's full body mirror and flinch. My hair that's usually styled in messy spikes is now flat and unimpressive.

“He's like that with everybody. Very anti romantic.” She explains, tossing a salted almond into her mouth. “He's even distant from me most of the time.” She adds, crunching down on the delicious snack.

“Ah. That's understandable.” I say, tilting my head back and closing my eyes.

“The girls usually don't understand that. They tend to be searching for more with him, though he only wants them for their bodies.” She swallows the snack. “They still can't accept that he only wants sexual relations and nothing more. And even that is limited. He doesn't really enjoy that too much either.”

“So he's on the asexual spectrum, then?” I ask, curious to know more about him.

“Pretty much, though he hasn't confirmed it yet. Thinks there's something wrong with him because of his feelings.” She freezes, almond between her fingers. It's just about to enter her mouth, but she drops it and slaps her hand over her mouth. “I wasn't supposed to say anything.”

“Don't worry. You can trust me. I wouldn't ever say anything. What I am told stays between me and that person.” I assure her, causing her to smile and sigh in relief.

“I appreciate that. It's hard to find in modern times. Loyalty is a precious thing that is one of the hardest things to find.” I nod in full agreement with what she said.

“Well, now that I know, I can better understand where he's coming from.” I smile.

“I hope his actions won't hurt you.” She frowns.

“They won't. I'm stronger than that.” I scoff, giving her shoulder a gentle pat. “I'm going to go back to my room... I'm kind of tired and want some time for myself.” I tell her.

“Okay. Goodnight, Nisha. I had a good time with you tonight.” She says.

“So did I, Kuina. So did I.” I smile, standing and tugging my dress down. I hate that these dresses always ride up my thighs.

“Oh, and next time... Just wear something you're comfortable in.” She giggles. I let out a soft laugh and nod.


𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐭 {𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now