🕊12: Growing Feelings🕊

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“Are you going or nah?” I ask, shrugging on a light grey hoodie

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“Are you going or nah?” I ask, shrugging on a light grey hoodie. My hair is in its usual messy spikes, framing my face nicely. I pull the hem over my light grey jeans, and look at myself in the mirror. “Pff, whatever.” I mutter to myself, yanking the hood over my head, as I'm feeling more introverted than usual.

It's confusing because I want to go out and mingle with people, yet I want to be in my bed, sipping on tea and reading a book. Do I even know what I want anymore?

“I'll go. But I'm not going because of you. I'm in a mood tonight.” I nod understandingly. I didn't really expect much else. I know we aren't even friends. We're just two people sharing a space together out of convenience.

“Cool. Good luck.” I salute dramatically before exiting the room. The door closes behind him with a soft click, then we walk down the hall, toward the elevator.

The elevator door opens, revealing that it's empty. I let out a sigh of relief, entering and leaning against the wall. Chishiya enters, then presses the 1st floor, taking a stance beside me. He grips the rails, standing in a relaxed position. His eyes stare at the doors, his hair peeks out from the hood that is covering most of his face.

“If you happen to need Niragi to leave... just give a holler.” He mentions as the doors open onto the busy lobby. “But unless that's the case, I'm busy.” I chuckle.

“Good to know. Have fun in there.” I tell him, giving him a nod in acknowledgement before making my way to the bar area. He wanders off into the crowd, disappearing among the fog from the machines that are off in the corners of the club. The air smells strongly of sweat, alcohol, and cigarettes.

“I'm surprised you actually got him to tag along.” Kuina mentions from beside me, taking a seat on the empty stool. I wave the bartender over, letting out a small laugh.

“I didn't. He just happens to be in the mood.” I answer.

“Mood?” Is she gonna make me elaborate?

“The mood.” I give her the look, wiggling my eyebrows. She chuckles.

“Been a while.” She grins. “Surprised he's here, although... I'm fairly certain he's here for you.” She adds, ordering a martini.

“Hah, you're so funny.” I respond, ordering a glass of water.

“Not feeling brave tonight?” Huh? Oh... Bar... Alcohol... Right...

“I just don't want to have a hangover tomorrow, so I'd much rather stay sober this time.” I answer.

“Or is it because Chishiya's hanging around somewhere?” Is it? I didn't consider it.

“Pretty sure I just want a water.” I laugh, mood brightening when the bartender hands me my water. “Thanks, sir.”

“Yep.” And he's off...

“There's a meeting among the executives. Are you going to attend?” She asks.

“Me? I'm a militant, not an executive. I wouldn't be allowed.” She frowns.

“Surely Chishiya could make an exception for you?” I roll my eyes.

“Hatter is the one in charge, Kuina.” I tell her.

“But he could talk to Hatter about you, could he not?” I shrug.

“Honestly, I don't care if I go or not. If Hatter needs me, I'll fulfill my duty to him. Until then, I'll just hang around.” I answer.

I catch a glimpse of Chishiya, passing through the crowd with a girl. Their hands are clasped together. I watch as he leaves the club. I turn back to my drink, pressing my elbows into the countertop. Everything in me is telling me to stop him, but why? I'm not even his friend. I'm barely an acquaintance! Why should I dictate what he does in my free time?

I finish my class of water, slamming it onto the counter. Fuck feelings... Why do I even have them? Why do I have to have those feelings for him of all people? I must be cursed... genuinely cursed... Is this the universe getting back at me for murdering that guy?

With a heavy sigh, I turn to Kuina.

“Okay, I like him a little.” I tell her, feeling myself deflate as it really settles in. I feel my eyes droop as annoyance bubbles in my chest. “What sin did I commit to feel this?” I wonder aloud.

“Are you not happy with this information?”

“Why would I be? He's aromantic and mostly ace as well. I couldn't have picked a worse guy to like.” I say, peering into the empty glass.

“Why is that a bad thing?” She asks, taking a sip of her martini.

“Don't get me wrong... He's cool and all... It's just... I tend to be more affectionate towards those I like. Why would I want to like someone who can't reciprocate those feelings for me?” I answer, crossing my arms over my stomach. It's a thing I do when I get nervous or focus too hard on my feelings.

“Aromantic doesn't mean he's completely incapable of feeling romantic feelings toward a person. It could mean that, but it could also mean he feels it less strongly than others, or only feels it with a certain person. It could mean a lot of things. It's a spectrum, just like asexuality.” She explains, finishing off her drink.

“Isn't he anti-romantic?” Or am I remembering our conversation wrong?

“Anti-romantic is when a person is against the sentimentality of relationships and the general aesthetics of romance. So that would mean he just doesn't like romance. Aromantic usually means one is unable to feel romantic attraction, or it's less likely that they feel that way about someone. Anti-romantic is... well... anti romance. Which means the person does not like romance.” I nod, a small frown tugging at the corners of my lips.

“See? Worst person to catch feelings for.”

“But there's a slight chance.”

“Percentage?” If it's below 39, I'm playing the hardest game I can find in this place.

“39.” I let my forehead fall against the counter, letting out a groan. What kind of sick joke is this?

“Of course you would say that.” She pats my back.

“You've got this. If anyone can make that man feel something, it'll be you. And if not, I'll start to believe he really doesn't have a heart.” I roll my eyes.

“Right... Me... Make him feel something... You're funny.”

“Don't knock it 'till ya try it.” And with that, she leaves me alone to wallow in self-pity.

How did it come to this? An emotionless man who doesn't even want to know the human heart... and I managed to catch feelings for him? Why am I like this?

Worst. Night. Ever.

I hope everyone's having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! I'm hoping to upload more, but I can't promise anything.

Thank you for reading, much love, and always treat people with kindness. Including yourself.

x niragisjam ✨💛

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐭 {𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now