🕊 15 : Second-In-Command (Pt. 1) 🕊

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The afternoon sunlight gleamed through the hall of the building, lighting the way as I made my way toward the elevator. I couldn't help but peer down at the various people walking along the side. There were very few clouds in the sky, leaving its bright blue colour to be seen by everyone who wished to gaze at it.

“Hatter's playing a game tonight. Are you going to protect him?” I halted, spinning on my heels until I saw Chishiya leaning against the wall opposing the windows. He was just far enough away that the sunlight didn't touch him.

“Hah... I'm sorry, what? Me? Protect Hatter?” I raised a brow, motioning toward my fragile limbs. “I've got nothing on Aguni. I'm sure Aguni's going to do just fi-”

“Nisha. I need to speak with you privately.” I froze upon hearing Hatter's voice ring from the meeting room. I looked over to him, watching Niragi exit the room and stand outside, gun slung over his shoulder carelessly.

I hesitantly made my way over to the meeting room, glancing at Chishiya for help. He only watched, arms crossed over his chest. I entered, flinching when the doors slammed behind me. I took a seat at the table, eyeing Hatter warily. He was known for his crazy actions against the casual people of the beach. I only wondered whether or not I would make it out of here alive. Had I forgotten to hand in a card? Had I failed to report something of importance to him? The list in my mind could get quite long and full if I allowed it... So I stopped thinking too hard, choosing to stare at the mahogany table as if it were the most interesting thing on this planet.

“I will be attending a game tonight. As my second in command, you're going to go with me. Aguni will join us. Come prepared with a weapon of your choice. Not many survive the games I attend unless they're militants. So be ready to kill me, if necessary.” Hatter told me, tossing me a wrist cuff. “This is your first official task as being second in command. I expect you to fulfill your duties professionally and accurately. Nothing more, nothing less. Understood?” I nodded, gracefully snatching the wrist cuff off of the table.

“May I ask what these cuffs are?” I wasn't sure if questions were accepted. He was an impatient man. Someone that I found hard to speak to.

“They're mainly used for tracking your rank within the hierarchy. This is your official invitation. It also has a code that you need to scan if you want to use the lower levels.”

“Lower levels?”

“I'll let Niragi and Chishiya explain those to you. I need to prepare myself for the games. They take quite the mental toll if one isn't too careful.” He answered, waving me off. “We leave at 9:00, so make sure to be in the lobby by 8:30, alright?”

“Yes, Boshiya.” I gave a polite bow before exiting the room. As the doors clicked firmly shut behind me, I released a breath, leaning my back against the strong, hefty wood.

“So you're finally stepping up to your role. Good. Chishiya and I will show you the lower levels.” Niragi spoke from beside the door, causing me to jump in surprise.

“Good. Hatter didn't explain much.” I chuckled.

"He never does. He rarely ever believes in the newcomers." Niragi paused, almost hesitantly,  before giving me a strange look. "But for some reason, Hatter's chosen you as his second in command. You surpassed Aguni in rank. You should be wary... Aguni is not forgiving to those who are better than him." He warned me, his voice barely above a whisper in my ear.

"Alright,  that's quite enough. No need to scare the little one before she game. She needs her head in order to protect herself." Chishiya interrupted our conversation, pulling me out of his arms and leading the way.

"Boss told the both of us to show her where the lower levels are. Don't be stingy, cat." He snapped, catching up with us easily. He draped his left arm around my shoulders, his tall body blocking the sunlight that glowed through the hall. I was thankful.

"Well, you're not needed, dog. She doesn't need someone who has no self control around her. Especially not around all of those weapons and other things." Niragi scoffed at this, keeping his gaze on the elevator that grew nearer.

"Would you two knock it off?" I sighed, grabbing both of their hands and tugging them into the open elevator. Once the doors closed, Chishiya pressed a silver button that didn't have a label, then the '1' button. "Niragi can't help that he's a touch starved bean. Probably just needs a hug. Right, мое благословение?" They looked at me weird, and I had to stop and think about the words that tumbled from my mouth. I froze, staring at the closed doors as I realised what I said. It was in this moment that I was thankful they didn't understand my native language. Or else they would have been teasing me for the rest of the day.

"Well, I have no idea what that last bit was, but you're probably right. No one's paid attention to me for a while." He admitted lowly.

"That's because you're horny all of the time, dumb-nut." Chishiya muttered under his breath.

"I'm only human, cat. We can't all be ace like you." I rolled my eyes at their quarreling and turned to Niragi. Chishiya opened his mouth to say something when I wrapped my arms around Niragi's waist, but snapped it shut when I met his eyes in our reflection. I gave him a look that said 'don't you dare'.

"Let's all just calm down. Niragi, as long as you're not harming anyone or doing something without their consent, you're good in my book. You'll find someone who shares your enthusiasm eventually." I told him gently, caressing his face as I stared into his deep brown eyes. He looked at me curiously. Wondrously.

"Do you think you'll ever share that enthusiasm?" He tilted his head.

He was asking me if I reciprocate his feelings of attraction. I held back a laugh at this. Not because I didn't, but because I found his facial expressions adorable.

"I share it now, but I am waiting for the right time to allow things to happen organically. Forcing things will only give the worst outcome. Remaining neutral towards the good things and not pulling them towards you is crucial for a healthy balance." I answered, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"We're just friends... We're just friends... We're just friends..." I heard Chishiya chanting lowly, staring at the doors with an intensity that he might as well been trying to burn holes into the reflective metal.

"You okay Chishiya?" I didn't want to embarrass him, so I would pretend that I didn't hear the words coming out of his mouth.

"I'm fine." He answered cooly, refusing to look at me. I smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, too.

"We need to talk about things when you're able." I whispered in his ear, causing him to leap away from me cautiously. I knew he had many questions. Many thoughts swimming inside of that clever brain of his.

"Indeed we do." He said, never once looking my way as he lead me down the dimly lit hallway.


Hello dear reader. I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update. I've been busy with work lately and haven't had much time to myself, let alone think about writing a chapter. I'm not sure when updates will happen because of my new busy schedule, but I greatly appreciate your patience.

(Edit: It has come to my attention that I forgot to edit it into present tense, but I forgot. I'll have to edit it later, but for now I apologise for the confusion this may have caused you. I hope you enjoyed the chapter regardless. 🥴)

I hope to update again soon, as I think I know where I want to take this story.

Thank you so much for reading! I love you, have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening, and always treat people with kindness. Including yourself.

x niragisjam ✨️🌙

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