🕊13: 5 of Hearts🕊

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As the fog starts to roll in, I lose sight of everyone that I came with

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As the fog starts to roll in, I lose sight of everyone that I came with. Kuina, who was standing beside me, is now gone from my view. I don't hear anything. Everything is eerily silent... which only causes my heart to start hammering in my chest.

The game's rules were clear. One of us would have to be sacrificed in order to save everyone else. It was a matter of who would volunteer. Silence stretched on for what felt like forever. Then, a scoff.

"Why not just sacrifice the girl with the boyish style? I'm certain no one will miss her and we'd all survive fine without her getting in the way of things." I remain silent, pursing my lips as I think of a way to get us out of this situation without anyone dying.

"Fuck you. Nisha is extremely important, whether you like it or not." I hear Niragi defend angrily. "She's also your superior, so shut up before I strap your tongue around your head and make you lose a few fingers." He adds through gritted teeth.

I reach out into the fog, moving towards the sound of his voice. My fingers brush against soft, cold skin and I almost flinch when his hand grabs mine and yanks me into his arms.

"Niragi..." I peer up into his eyes through the thick mist, raising my hand up to caress his cheek gently. "Remember what game this is. It's designed to bring out the heartless animal within our minds. Disregard what that man said and instead focus on what we can do to get everyone out. Alive." I emphasise 'alive', hoping he'll cooperate and keep himself out of trouble.

"You're lucky you're here. If you weren't, that man would be as good as dead." He growls angrily.

"Hey... chill out. It's okay. Everything is going to be fine. I'm going to speak to everyone and explore the options available. I'm sure everyone will return safely."

"You heard the rules, woman. Someone has to die. I'm fine with any one of you people dying as long as I get home safely to my wife and children."

"And while I'm in full support of you getting to return to your wife and children, we must first figure out a way for other people to return to their families as well. I'm sure all of us have someone back home that we need to get back to. However, it's going to take more than just playing these games. We must take down the one who's controlling all of this."

"And how do we go about doing that?" He asks, raising a questioning brow.

"You say something in a demeaning way one more time, you're going to lose both of your eyebrows. Got that?" Oh Niragi... sweet summer child.

"Niragi." I snap, smacking him on the shoulder. "Go stand with Chishiya and Kuina. They'll handle you while I make sure no one else dies." His eyes meet mine, hurt gleaming within them. He most definitely took my words the wrong way...

"Right." I move to say something else, but his back is already turned toward me. He disappears into the mist, leaving me alone with the other man who-for some reason-hates me.

"I think I know how to save everyone."

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐭 {𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now