🕊 16 : Second-In-Command (Pt. 2) 🕊

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The hallway is barely lit by small lights near the ceiling. The walls are made entirely of cement, and the elevator doors have locked shut. The reason? I have no idea, but I don't like it. It leaves an oogy feeling deep in my stomach.

"Hatter and his secrets." Niragi rolled his eyes, walking directly beside me. Chishiya walked behind, hands in his pockets as usual.

"Why is the place so..." I trailed.

"Dark?" He finished for me.

"That. And..."

"Freaky deaky?" Chishiya added his input from behind me. I chuckled.

"Yeah. Exactly that." The both of them looked at each other.

"Because he has a secret. One that cannot be known by many others. The three of us are the only ones that know. If Aguni knew... everyone would be in serious trouble. Aguni isn't too good with what Hatter is hiding down here."

"Why would Hatter have me come down here if it's supposed to be a secret?" I raised a brow.

"Because for some reason, he believes you may know something of what's happening here." I nearly laughed, but the place freaked me out, so instead I remained silent.

"Aight. How much more walking?"

"It's going to take a few minutes. Hatter wants to make sure this thing never sees the light of day. And for good reason." Niragi answered. He looked over at me, taking in my utter confusion. "You'll better understand what we're talking about once you see this for yourself."


The lights grew further apart, the darkness almost being thick and... slimy. There was something off about this darkness. I couldn't seem to see beyond it, no matter how hard I tried. I felt like I was blind. I looked around, trying to spot Chishiya and Niragi in the complete darkness. Then, I felt their hands grasp mine.

"I forget, you haven't been trained to resist it yet." Niragi grumbled, running his thumb along the back of my hand comfortingly.

"Resist what, Niragi?" Nothing. Complete silence. "At this rate I won't be able to-"

A light flicked on, hanging directly over an iron cage. I nearly choked on my own air upon seeing this... thing. It stared at me, dark eyes relentless as it tilted its head. Its arms were curled against its torso, small and weak looking. It twitched ever-so-slightly.

What the fuck was that?

"He says he's darkness incarnate. That light offends his children." Chishiya said from beside me. "Whatever that means." He scoffed.

"Oh fuck no. I don't think so. I've seen this shit. I know how this ends." I stepped back, causing the evil thing to snarl.

"So you know what this is?" Niragi looked at me expectantly.

"Yeah, I do. You know what it's from? A fucking video game!" I rubbed my temples as I tried to think of all of the possible outcomes.

Hatter was smart to keep this thing trapped down here. If it wasn't, all hell would have broken loose for sure. I stood there, between the only two people that I felt safe with. I had to think of something. Anything that could kill this thing without it possessing someone important to me. God damn it Nisha, think!

"A... video game?"

"If you have ever played Fable III, you'll know exactly what this is, and why it's very important to the safety of the world as we know it to keep it in this cage no matter the circumstances."

"This doesn't make any sense. Why would something from a video game exist in Tokyo?"

"Because this Borderland must not exist in our dimension. We all must have stepped into a warp in reality or something and ended up here. The alley I went into must have had one of those warps. Sort of like... A fold in time and space. It allows the user to jump from different dimensions, times, et cetera."

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐭 {𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now