🕊️14 : As I Promised🕊️

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I extend my hand, feeling Niragi's gaze from one side of the club, and Chishiya's from the opposing side

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I extend my hand, feeling Niragi's gaze from one side of the club, and Chishiya's from the opposing side. Kuina stands before me, sat on one of the expensive looking chairs at our table.

“Wanna dance?” I ask her, causing her cheeks to tint pink. I grin at my effect on her, watching her place her delicate hand in my own.

“What about Chishiya?” She asks me.

“Just because I have a soft spot for him, doesn't mean prevent me from feeling romantic feelings toward you.” I inform, watching as she places her glass of alcohol onto the table and stands.

“I do wonder... If Chishiya does have feelings for you, would you drop everyone else?” We make our way toward the dance floor. I can see both Niragi and Chishiya doing the same.

What are they planning? They're so close now... I'm sure they must have heard Kuina.

“Well, if he does we'll figure it out. However, knowing the way he is, if I end up catching feelings, I won't regret it. I also won't be confessing unless he does it first. And no, I would never just drop those I care about. I would prefer to be able to balance everyone equally.”

“Would it not be easier to just focus on that specific person?” She pauses, spinning me around. “I mean, Chishiya's a tough one. It's nearly impossible for him to develop a soft spot for someone. Wouldn't you want to focus on kindling that?” She further clarifies her statement.

“If you have to kindle it, is it truly meant to happen? If it is something that does not come naturally... then isn't it a waste of time?” She frowns.

“And if you have to work hard to get Chishiya to fall for you?” She asks.

“Kuina, this is our date. We should be having fun together.” I gently remind her. She nods. “And to answer your question... I'm not going to do anything that does not feel natural. If it feels forced, then it's not gonna happen.” I rest my hands on her hips.

“Right... You're right...” She whispers, gaze averting to my lips for a moment before meeting mine again. “Before we do anything, I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“N-Not here.” She lowers her voice, glancing around the room nervously. “It's something not a lot of people know.”

“Alrighty then. Lead the way.” I offer a smile. She only looks saddened by my smile.

“Right. Okay.” She sighs, almost like she's internally battling with herself.

We walk hand-in-hand away from the crowded club, towards the lobby. The silence is nearly deafening as we stray further away. The sound of rain from outside can be heard louder than those in the club and cafe. I turn to her, stopping her before she exits the building entirely.

“Kuina...” she halts. “It's raining. Let's stay inside for now, okay? I don't want you getting sick or anything.”

“I'm trans.” She blurts out, causing me to tilt my head.

“Oh. W-Which way?” Lord, I hope that isn't offensive or uncomfortable to ask.

“I was born a man. But I transitioned.” I nod slowly.

“Okay. Cool.”

“That isn't going to cause problems... Is it?” She asks.

“Of course not. You were a man once, and now you're a woman. That doesn't bother me one bit. And if it bothers someone, they need to not only get their brain scanned, but they also need to get their eyes checked because you're one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.” I step closer to her, draping my arms over her shoulders and around the nape of her neck.

“No one's ever said that to me before.” She whispers, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “Thank you.”

“Kuina, I accept you. All of you. Your past, your present, your feelings, your habits, everything. I will never judge you for being you.” Tears slip from the corners of her eyes, causing her to flinch and move to wipe them away.

I stop her, instead raising my thumb to her cheek. I gently wipe her tears, a small, fond smile plastered onto my lips. I lower my hands back down to her neck, cupping either side. I bring her closer, her lips grazing mine.

“Kiss me.” She whispers, giving me the consent I was just about to ask for.

I press my lips against hers, closing my eyes at the soft and gentle feeling. Her lips are so soft. I can taste the pineapple flavour of her chapstick. I pull her impossibly closer, enjoying the close proximity. It's nice to have someone so close.

But I have to admit, I much prefer Chishiya's kiss. There's a mutual understanding there that I just don't feel from Kuina. And that isn't to say that the two of us can't work on it... But it felt more natural and easy with Chishiya.

She pulls away, staring into my eyes as she rests her forehead against mine. She gives me a soft smile.

“I don't think this feels right to me... I think I just like hugging you and cuddling you. The kissing isn't...” she groans, closing her eyes in frustration.

“You don't have to explain. I get it. I feel the same way.”

“O-Okay... Good. That's good.” She steps away from me, eyes darting to something behind me. “She's all yours, Chishiya. I tried it, but I much prefer hugging and cuddling.” She gives me a delicate wave, then walks off after pressing a short kiss to my cheek. “Thanks for the date.”

“Good. I have you all to myself.” I hear him say from behind. He stands before me, hands in his pockets. “Wanna get out of here?”

“Sure.” I chuckle, placing my hand in his. He puts our entangled hands into his pocket, leading the way toward the elevator.

I deeply apologise for taking so long to update these stories. I've been preoccupied with studying, so I haven't been aware of the passing of days.


I hope you've enjoyed this little chapter. I have sort of a plan for the next chapter, though it isn't perfectly mapped out, so I have no idea when it is that I'll update next. I want to take the time to thank you for your patience. It is much appreciated, as is your support.

Thank you for reading, much love, and always treat people with kindness. Including yourself.

x niragisjam ✨💛

Next update: When my brain decides to function.

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