🕊 17 : Energies Which Are Borrowed... 🕊

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I sat in bed, staring at the two men sitting in front of me. I was trying to think up a plan, but nothing had come to me so far. After all, my decisions would now effect the entire population of the world.

"What's going on inside of that pretty little head of yours?" Niragi asked, tilting his head with curiosity. I tried to smile, but failed.

"I'm thinking of just how many ways I can fuck this up and end humanity as we know it." I admitted, returning to my earlier glowering.

"You won't end humanity." Chishiya said with confidence. His eyes didn't hold a single inkling of doubt.

"You can't promise that, Chishiya. For all you know, I could be the one that created that thing due to my wild imagination." I frowned when he chuckled.

"Well if you did, that would be relieving, because if you had the power to bring it into existence, then you also have the power to take it out of existence."

"But Chess... I have no idea how any of that works. If I did bring that thing into existence, I have no clue how I would be able to control it enough to make it disappear."

"Well then... I guess you'd better learn before we're all dead." Hatter spoke from the doorframe.

"Boss!" Niragi hopped into a standing position, bowing in respect.

"Calm, Niragi. I'm here to speak with Nisha."

"Boss... I'm completely hopeless. Aguni would be so much better than me. It's my fault the damned thing is here." I groaned, letting my head fall into my hands. I gripped the roots of my hair out of desperation.

"That's the darkness from within you taking over, Nisha. You must not allow it to toy with your flame. You must burn it. Burn the darkness, Nisha." He said, extending his hand. "Walk with me." This was not a request. It was a command. He was commanding me to shatter all darkness that still resided within me.

I gave Chishiya and Niragi a glance before standing and walking out of the room. I walked beside a calm Hatter. He kept his eyes outside of the large windows as we approached them. He stopped, staring up at the darkening sky. The sun was setting, which meant the darkness would be all the more enticing. Growing. Thickening until it choked all of the light from within everyone.

"Nisha, I'm going to ask some questions, and how you answer them will tell me exactly what sort of training you need in order to be uneffected by this thing."

"That's sort of impossible, considering it's something I created. Which means I am it." I sighed. "But ask away."

"When did you first feel the darkness?" This was an easy question. One that I had been ignoring for a while.

"When I killed the man who almost raped me." I answered, my voice chillingly even and calm.

"And what did you feel when he was making his actions on you?"

"Pure hatred. I felt a darkness deep within my heart. So dark that it burned with light." I could quickly sense that feeling returning as I began remembering the man's face, the way his hands felt on my hips.

I clenched my fingers into fists, my nails forming deep, unforgiving crescents in the smooth skin of my palms. I could feel every single hair raising on my neck, my arms, making me sensitive to every move of the air around me. I could feel my eyes burning with an intensity that I myself could not yet understand.

"How did you feel when you killed him?"

"Satisfaction." I admitted instantly, eyes softening as I managed to control my rage. "And guilt."

"When you saw that thing down in the basement, what did you feel?"

"My rage was multiplied, but I also felt guilty for the smallest things. I felt insignificant." I lowered my eyes to the carpeted floor, unable to look Hatter in the eyes after that confession of weakness.

"That's all the questions I needed answers to. I know what you need to do."

"What is it?"

"You see, there's something you must understand. This 'darkness incarnate' is not just a creature from your video game. This creature is much more than a simple character. This creature is very real, and something that lives within all living creatures. It hides inside the darkest, most secret crevice of our minds. It is always there, watching. Waiting for us to snap one day so that it may take over and reshape us into its slave."

"Then why is it appearing to everyone and not just me?"

"Because for some reason, your mind is so powerful that it has forced this creature outside of yourself. And now, it's coming after you. To take back that small crevice of your mind. Your pain is so overwhelming that the light inside of you is fighting more than it can handle. There is no room for the image of the creature, only its essence."

"Can my darkness hurt anyone other than myself?"

"It can hurt anything and everything. The darkness that is within us all is connected completely. It is the same entity within all living things. Therefore the darkness within you is within me, is within Niragi, is within Chishiya, and so on."

"How do you know this?"

"Borderland has given me some time to reflect and think on how we got here as humans. What the purpose of living is."


"Nisha, what you're failing to realise, is that we are all the same energy. The same light, the same darkness. The energy that flows through you and I also flows through the soil, the grass, the trees. As humans, we've forgotten this, so we do not feel each other's pain. Each other's suffering. Nor do we feel each other's pleasures in life. Their happiness. Because of that, we consider ourselves completely separate from each other."

"So what do I need to do?"

"You must use your borrowed energy and shape it into light. Actively look for positive change within yourself. Let go of all darkness within you. And remember. We are all one energy. Your energy is just the same as my energy. I'm going to let you think on that and come to your own conclusion. I have a game to play this evening, so I'll have to speak with you tomorrow about your progress."

"Yes, boss." He nodded, then gave me an encouraging smile.

"A little hint... Chishiya and Niragi could probably help you on your little adventure. So could Kuina, Arisu, Aguni, Takatora, and Usagi. Their energies could also mean something. You must figure out the rest for yourself." He entered the elevator as he finished his last words, the closing doors breaking our eye contact.

Our energies are the same... And our energies are borrowed from the universe.

I needed to let go of all of my fears, doubts, worries, and anything else that can lead me to dark emotions and feelings.

I have some work to do.

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐭 {𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now