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Another round


A few days later

"So when are you actually gonna start dating anybody, it seems like forever since you became single" Harry laughed.

I side-eyed Jide and he slightly laughed, "I don't know, I guess three years is a long time"

"I mean I'd rather you be single than you dating that prick" Harry laughed.

He was talking about my ex.


He cheated on me multiple times over the two years that we were dating, but I still went running back to him.

Eventually I told Harry and he talked some sense into me.

"Definitely not going back to Jack" I laughed.

JJ smiled, I just laughed in my head.

"Anyway, JJ are you ready to film that video?" I laughed.

"Yeah let's go, see you later bro" JJ replied.

We got up to my room, "Did you see the comments on our last video, bare people are shipping us" JJ laughed.

"Oh I wonder why" I giggled.

I turned my PC on as JJ set up for the video.

Then, I got a call. My eyebrows raised.

"You okay?" JJ asked concerned.

"Yeah yeah one sec" I laughed awkwardly.

I walked into my bathroom and locked the door, "Hello?"

"Hey sexy" Jack voiced into the phone.

"Jack what do you want?" I asked, confused.

"You and JJ are close, are you dating?" He asked.

Shit, I had to think quick, "No, we're not dating can you leave me alone?"

"Oh, so you're single?" He asked cheekily.

"Jack, we're not getting back together if that's what you're trying to do" I sighed.

"Elle, I know you miss me" He chuckled.

"Seriously, leave me alone!" I almost yelled.

"Oooh don't get feisty, I'll find my way back to you at some point" He chuckled as the line went dead.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the bathroom door.

"Elle, It's me Harry, please come out" Harry said worriedly.

My voice cracked at the sound of Harry, "I'm fine, I promise"

What is Harry doing here? Where did JJ go?

I wiped my eyes quickly to get the tears out of my eyes as I stepped out of the bathroom, "Yeah?"

"Why were you talking to Jack?" Harry sighed.

"What? How did you hear me?" I asked, confused.

"JJ told me, he heard you" Harry sighed, once again.

I sighed, "He called me, and he was being real creepy"

"But why do you still even have his number Elle?" He asked, disappointed.

"I don't know I guess I just forgot to delete it" I slightly laughed.

"Look, I just don't want you to fall into his trap again" Harry said sadly.

"Harry I'm not going back to him, promise" I smiled.

"Thank god" Harry said with a look of relief.

"Where's JJ?" I asked.

"I don't know, he just came in my room and told me you were talking to Josh and stormed off" Harry replied.

Oh no. He probably thinks I'm still hung up on my ex.

"Oh okay" I sighed.

Harry walked out of my room, as soon as the door closed I texted JJ.


JJ, you okay?

just fine

can we talk?

what is there to talk about Elle, you're still hung up on your ex.

where are you? we need to talk, you miss heard the conversation.

miss heard the conversation? I heard his voice, he literally said 'Hey sexy'

followed by me saying 'what do you want jack'
jj please believe me.

i'm in my room, come explain

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