twenty seven

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"Goodbye Maldives" I whispered, "You have been beyond perfect"


After a long, dragged out ten hours, we were finally home. JJ and I fell asleep most of the flight, yet again. I guess we didn't realise how exhausted we actually were. 

The cab dropped us off and we dragged our suitcases along the rough pavement before we even got to the door, it swung open and we were greeted by a very happy Harry. 

"Nelly, JJ you're back!" He exclaimed. I ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug. 

I sighed, "I missed you" 

"I missed you too" He smiled back. 

We then made our way inside to where everyone was chilling in the living room, most probably waiting for us. Talia and Frey ran up to me, "Heyyyy!" They exclaimed. God I probably missed them more than Harry. I chatted to them for a few minutes and Harry suddenly came over. 

"So, I said I needed you to meet someone" He smiled. I smiled back at him and Freya faintly whispered to me,
"Good luck" 

I was confused but just brushed it off. "Of course, is she here?" 

He smiled, nodding. He then led me to the kitchen where she was sat peacefully scrolling through her phone. She immediately stood up when she noticed me and Bog. 

"Oh hi! You must be Noelle?" She politely greeted. 

"Yes hi, and you are?" I replied, warmly. 

"Summer" She smiled back. 

"Also can I just say, I love your music" She said happily. "It's honestly unreal" 

"Thankyou so much! I love you already" I thanked her. I had only just met her and she seemed like the sweetest person ever. I still didn't quite get what Frey meant though. 

We were interrupted when Josh came jolting in, "We're ordering food, do you want anything?" We both looked at each other with excitement, "Oh yes" I was absolutely starving.  

Harry, Summer and I made our way into the living room where everybody was ordering, I took a seat next to JJ. "Hey babe" 

"Hey" I replied back smiling, as he rested his arm over my shoulder. 

"Right I'm off for a shower" Harry said to his girlfriend. "See you in a bit" He added, then kissing her on the cheek. I just smiled in awe. 


The boys had gone upstairs to play fifa of course, and it was just Talia, Freya and I as Summer had gone home. We were just generally chatting and Talia brought up Summer, "So what do you think of Summer?" 

"She's really nice actually" I said warmly. I couldn't help but notice Freya and Talia suddenly look at each other, with a peculiar look. "What?" I questioned. They were both speechless. 

"What do you guys not like about her? What an earth is going on?" They were really starting to confuse me, something's not right. 

Freya sighed, "She's horrific" 

"Whenever she's not with Harry she is vile" Talia then added. So maybe Summer's not what she makes out to be.

"She's been lovely to me?" I said, extremely confused. "But I suppose she was with Harry at the time" 

"Exactly" Talia sighed. 

"She literally told me to fuck off because I asked to borrow her charger" Freya chuckled, "It's pathetic" 

"What the fuck?" Maybe things aren't going to be as smooth I thought they were going to be. 

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