twenty nine

93 1 4

"We bring alcohol" Talia cheekily smiled. 

"Oh, thankyou I need it" I replied. This Summer girl was STRESS. 

We ended up sticking a film on and drinking our stress away. 


Talia and I drank a LOT last night, I wasn't sure we'd be able to get through today. Luckily though I didn't feel too hungover today. 

Talia ended up falling asleep in my room, "How are you feeling?" She asked me. 

"I'm not too bad actually, what about you?" I replied.

"Same" She laughed. 

My door creaked open and in walked a nervous looking Harry? "Hey Elle, can I talk to you?" 

"Of course, what's up?" I replied as Talia left the room giving us some privacy. 

"So uh, it's about Summer" He said anxiously as he sat on the bed next to me. 

I sighed, "Yeah, what about her?" 

"Listen, can you just start being nice to her?" He asked. "She's getting really upset" 

Oh she's getting upset? What about the things she says to me while Harry's not there? I've been nothing but nice to her. 

"What are you on about?" I said, extremely confused, "I've been nothing but nice to her" 

"Well according to her, you haven't" He sighed, "Just fucking be civil with her, that's all I'm asking" 

"Harry I fucking have been and so has everybody else" I sighed, starting to get frustrated at this point. 

"Apparently you've been saying some fucked up shit to her!" Harry said almost yelling.

"Me saying fucked up shit? Harry get a fucking grip and maybe control your girlfriend!" I didn't hold back yelling this time. 

I couldn't be arsed to deal with it anymore so I ended up going downstairs to get my mind off of things. 

Ethan and JJ were playing FIFA in the living room while Tobi and Simon just sat there on their phones. 

"Hey babe" Jide looked up to me as he noticed I'd walked in. I slightly smiled back at him. 

"Is Summer here?" I asked, no one in particular. 

"Yeah I'm pretty sure, she stayed over last night" Tobi replied. 

"Fuck sake" I sighed. 

"You alright?" Simon asked. 

"Harry's just so oblivious, he keeps fucking taking her side" I ranted. 

"Oh tell me about it, I tried talking to him about it and he just brushed it off" Ethan chimed in. 

"I just don't understand why he wouldn't stand up for his sister?" Simon added. 

"Exactlyyyy!" Finally someone agreed with me. 


Harry had just gone in for a shower so Summer has come down to sit with us. Oh please kill me. 

"Bruv how is that fair!" JJ shouted at the TV. The boys just laughed at him, along with myself. 

Throughout the time that Summer was sat with us, she was in between scrolling through her phone and continuously glaring at me. Babe, grow up. 

"I might order dominoes you know" Ethan contemplated. 

"Fuck it, anyone want anything?" Ethan asked. 

"Yes please, I'm starving" I laughed. 

"Not surprised" Summer giggled to herself. 


"I've already told you this honey, you do not need it" She replied. 

"What the fuck?" Tobi whispered. 

I tried holding back the frail tears, "Never mind Ethan, I'm good" I whispered. 

"Babe, you sure?" Jide asked me warmly. 

I couldn't even reply, I made my way upstairs to my room not wanting to cry in front of everyone, especially her. 

I locked my door behind me and collapsed onto my bed. Maybe Summer is right, maybe I do need to lose weight. I wandered up to my long mirror held up against my wall. She is right. Look at me, I'm a mess, I'm a disappointment. I'm definitely eating too much, what the fuck am I doing? Maybe I should go on a diet. Or even not eat at all? I don't deserve to. 

I hear a firm knock on the door, "Baby?" 

I immediately sat up, "I'm fine, I'm fine" I croaked between stray tears. 

"Hey, hey what's up?" Jide said against the door. 

"I'm alright" I said as I wiped the tears away from my eyes, whilst more were still streaming down. 

"I know your not, please let me in" Jide replied, sounding really worried. 

After every tear I wiped away, even more fell down. I knew he wouldn't leave unless I let him in so I gave in. I unlocked the door and Jide immediately shot the door open. "Hey, hey, hey" He said comfortingly as he engulfed me in a much-needed hug. I bawled my eyes out into his chest, I really couldn't hold it in anymore, even around him. 

"What's wrong, baby?" 

I stayed silent, I couldn't even speak anymore. 

"Babe, just ignore her she's stupid" He comforted me rubbing my back softly, "You know it's not true" 

My head snapped up when I heard Ethan shout, "Foods here!" 

"You coming?" Jide asked me. 

"I'm fine" 

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone up here like this" Jide replied. 

"I'm good, go eat" I slightly smiled. 

Jide didn't look too convinced but eventually he went downstairs. 


The Next Morning

I woke up a little bit earlier than JJ today so I decided to just head downstairs. I went and sat on the kitchen stools when I noticed Jide had left me a message from last night. 

JJ <3: I left your food in the fridge so you can have it tomorrow :) x 

I walked over to the fridge and opened it to find the food that Jide had left in the fridge, which I didn't even ask for. He is a real softie.

I couldn't even stand the thought of food right now, let alone the smell of it. I really couldn't eat it. Dominoes has so many calories, and that'll just make things so much worse. 

I took the box from the fridge and chucked it into the bin, so it looks like I've eaten. 

broken heartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon