thirty one

90 1 3

10 minutes later..

JJ: that plan is perfect

Tobi: Let's do it

Ethan: Let's get that bitch out of here !


A few days later.

Noelle's pov

I feel the best I have ever felt right now. Not mentally, but physically. I haven't eaten in God-knows how long. I think about 3 days. But I can already tell it's paying off. My face shape looks so much skinner and my body feels and looks so much skinner – it's exactly what I wanted! Mentally, I don't feel the best. Not eating is most-probably not the healthiest thing, but at this point I don't care. At times, I start to feel nauseous. Sometimes, dizzy. I find myself zoning out throughout the day but I just brush it off, what's the worst that can happen? I think Jide has started to catch on to my lying, he asks if I've eaten every day. I just lie and say I'm tired and that I've eaten at the studio.

Today, I was filming a video with Talia and Freya which I'm very excited for. I love my girls.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Talia asked. We were filming a q&a while doing our makeup.

"Yes!" Freya and I both jinxed at the same time.

"Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel! Today I am joined here with.." Talia gestured for us to introduce ourselves.

"Noelle" I waved at the camera.

"Freya" She smiled.

"Today we are going to be answering some questions while getting glammed up! Let's get started" Talia smiled.

I pulled out my phone and started reading some questions that people had tweeted to us from earlier. "What were your first impressions of each other?"

"Omg I loved you! Simon told me so much about you!" Talia laughed.

"I've known you for yearssss! I was so nervous when I first met you!" Freya also laughed.

"Yesss omg!"

"Freya introduced me to Simon, that was the best night!" Talia exclaimed.

"Omg yes! I'm so glad I did" Freya laughed.

"Elle, were you at wireless that night?" Freya asked me.

"Unfortunately, not" I giggled. Because of a dickhead called Jack. "Okayyy next one, is there anything you regret within your friendship?"

"Everything!" Freya joked. I laughed along with her.

"Probably how much we drink" Talia replied.

"Yes definitely!" I agreed and so did Frey.

"Oooh, this one is juicy!" I laughed glancing at the next question, "Who is..." I started. My vision started to go blurry and then all I could see was pure black...


Talia's pov

"Who is..." Noelle started saying really faintly. All of a sudden she collapsed into Freya who was next to her.

"I think she's just fainted?" Freya exclaimed.

"Elle, Elle, Noelle!" I started saying, trying to see if she was conscious.

"Shit I think she has!" I panicked.

"Quick call an ambulance!" Freya screamed, probably not meaning to.

As I grabbed my phone I laid Noelle on her side, that's all I can remember from doing first aid in college.

"Right they'll be here soon, let me get JJ" I said as I walked out the room.

"JJ!!" I yelled. "Where is he?"

"Yeah?" I heard him faintly shout back from downstairs.

I rushed to the kitchen to see him sat with Tobi and Josh. "Noelle's passed out!" I panicked.

He snapped his head up, "Wait what?" He said, worryingly.

"Come on the ambulance is on it's way"

He followed me upstairs along with Josh and Tobi.

"A little help?" Freya asked as they rushed in the room. Josh, Tobi and Jide then helped to carry Noelle downstairs.

"How the fuck has this happened?" JJ asked.

"I don't know we were just filming a video" I replied.

"And then she just sort of collapsed" Freya finished off for me.

"How long has she been passed out for?" Tobi asked.

"I'd say like five minutes?" I replied.

We made it downstairs and finally the ambulance was here. The paramedics rushed in the house with a stretcher to assist Noelle. A man and a woman laid her onto the stretcher and rushed out the house, we all followed. They hurried the stretcher into the ambulance.

"Only one person is allowed in the ambulance" The woman announced.

"JJ you go, we'll meet you there" Tobi said, which we all agreed with. He nodded and bolted into the ambulance, which then rushed off to the hospital.

"Come on, I'll drive" Tobi said gesturing to his car, which we all hopped in almost immediately.

Fuck, I really hope she's okay.

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