thirty five

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I scanned the room gradually and I noticed something. Still, no Harry?

The Next Day.

"Hey Myles, how are you?" I spoke through the phone.

"Everything's good thankyou Noelle, I just need to speak with you" Myles replied, quite seriously for that matter.

"JJ called me yesterday, how are you feeling?"

JJ called him, why? I suppose I've been so weak and anxious these past few days that I completely forgot to call my management team and let them know. I was glad, JJ did it for me.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I didn't let you know! I have a recording session today, right?" I replied worriedly, I hope I didn't piss him off.

"No don't worry Noelle, we understand" He sighed, "We just want to speak with you about it in more detail today, if you're still up for coming in today? It's alright if you want a few days rest".

"No, no, no it's fine I'll come in today, see you in a bit!" I immediately replied, I didn't want to make a fuss.

"Alright. See you later" He replied as the line ended.

I'm sure I'll be alright, right? As long as I try to fully eat a meal today, I should be good.

I checked my calendar to see what time the session was, shit it's at 12:30. I immediately bolted to my room to start getting ready.

I fumbled through my many drawers and picked out whatever I could find. I ended up throwing on a black crewneck and some baggy blue jeans, along with a random pair of white trainers. The time was now 12:05. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to the studio, so there was no time for anything else.

I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet and rushed downstairs.

"Woah, where are you going?" Tobi asked.

"I've got to head to the studio, I won't be long".

"Are you sure? You need to rest" Tobi stated, kindly.

"Its alright Tobes I'll be fine, I promise" I smiled, turning towards the door.

"Woah wait, before you go" Tobi started before going to grab something out of the kitchen, "Here, make sure you eat this, at least some of it".

He had passed me a plastic tub of pasta and a water. "Awh, thank you so much!"

"No problem. Bye" He smiled. Seriously, how pure and caring was Tobi.

And with that I rushed back out the door, and straight into my car.



Phew, we actually made it on time. Actually, with three minutes to spare.

"Oh, hello Noelle, I've missed you!" Myles greeted, pulling me in for a soft hug.

"Hey Myles, I missed you!" I replied.

"Elle! Hi, hi!! How are you?" Ava greeted excitedly. I didn't even know she'd be here today. Hell, I haven't even seen her since the party.

"Hi babe! I'm okay, what about you?"


Ava and I caught up for a bit before Myles sat me down, so we could have a chat. I suppose this was more of a meeting than a recording session.

"Noelle, how are you genuinely feeling?" Myles asked, worriedly.

"I mean I'm okay, could be better but for the long run, I feel fine".

"Are you sure?" Ava chimed in.

"I won't lie, I was struggling, I really was. But I think that doctor really talked some sense into me, I'm eating again, little by little". I replied. I'm not lying this was how I was feeling, I'm not bad, but I'm not great either. I'm just, okay.

Myles and Ava looked at each other, "We're afraid, we might have to cancel the tour".

"You what?" I exclaimed. I was so excited for this tour; I couldn't get that taken away from me. I couldn't take it away from the fans either.

"It's not a definite thing, but we're just worried" Myles replied, "You've just been discharged from hospital, almost suffering with an eating disorder, we just don't want to put any pressure on you, on your health".

"We still have a few weeks left, and I'm already starting to improve, I should be fine" I replied.

"We're going to give it a week or so, see how you're feeling, and we'll mutually decide".

I sighed, "Okay, alright".

"But, moving on from this subject, let's talk about a potential upcoming album" Ava grinned, eagerly.


JJ <3

JJ <3: Hey babe x
JJ <3: Where are you? Xx

Me: I'm just in the studio, what's up? Xx

JJ <3: babe you need to rest x

Me: It's alright don't worry
Me: I'll be home soon anyway. X

JJ <3: see you soon stay safe babe xx

Me: see you soon x
Me: anyway, you heard of Harry? Xx

JJ <3: Actually yes
JJ <3: he's back and he wants to talk to you, like asap x

Me: Oh ffs

What could he possibly want? I swear to God, if he's with Summer.
Shit is about to go doooown. 

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