thirty nine

116 0 3

We have an ultrasound appointment at twelve tomorrow!" I said, excitedly. 

"Really? Oh my God!" He replied happily. 



"Babe, you ready?" I yelled across into my bedroom. I was finishing off some light makeup while Jide was getting ready in my bedroom. It was practically our bedroom, now.

"Almost" He yelled back.

I sighed, "Sure, sure". He was always the worst with time management.

Yesterday was a whole whirlwind of emotions, I honestly thought Jide would've broken up with me by now. But right now, he's probably the happiest and most eager I've ever seen him. We spent the night watching Netflix while discussing baby names and possibly a new place together.

After adding my last pieces of jewellery, I strolled back into our bedroom, "Hurry, or else we'll be late!" He was only just throwing a shirt on.

As I was tying my black converse 'shoelaces, he slipped on his adidas trainers. We both rushed downstairs the time now being 11:52am, good thing the hospital wasn't too far away.

Just as we were about to open the door Harold came to greet us, "Where you two going?"

"Uh" Jide nervously glanced over to me.

"We're just going to get some food, we were bored" I quickly, replied.

"You got room for one more?" Harry asked.

"Nah, little date innit" Jide laughed, trying not to be too suspicious.

"Yeah, bye" I chimed in, knowing we were already in a rush.

I quickly shut the door behind us rushing to my car, "Right, come on".

"Do you want me to drive?" Jide asked.

I stared at him in the look of, just get in we're already late.

I started driving and JJ decided to pipe up, "Jeezeee you're so mardy when you're in a rush".

"Don't ever say that to a pregnant woman" I joked sarcastically.


"Noelle Lewis?" A middle-aged woman called out. Jide and I stood up and followed the nurse to an ultrasound room.

"Alright Noelle, can you just lay down on this bed for me?" The nurse asked politely.

I laid down on the not so comfortable bed, with the ultrasound machine stood next to it.

The nurse reached into a cupboard across the room grabbing a bottle of gel, "This is gonna feel weird and be quite cold, okay?" She said as she began to open the bottle of gel. I nodded as Jide caressed my hand reassuringly.

The nurse applied pressure to just below my stomach, moving the transducer around slowly to see the baby.

"There, that's your baby" She smiled warmly, turning the machine around to show us.

I gasped in happiness, "Oh my God".

"He's so cute, that's adorable" Jide smiled warmly, looking into my watering eyes.

"We don't know the gender yet, love" I giggled.

The nurse lovingly smiled, seeing the looks on our eager faces. "So Noelle, you look to be about ten weeks in. Congratulations to you both".

"Oh wow. I can't believe we've only just found out" I smiled.

The nurse chuckled, "You'll be able to find out the gender at 20 weeks, which will be your next scan".

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