twenty eight

91 1 2

"What the fuck?" Maybe things aren't going to be as smooth I thought they were going to be. 


Yesterday was probably the most confusing day of my life. To me, Summer seemed like the sweetest, most genuine girl ever. But, apparently she's a changed person around certain people. Or should I say without a certain person. 

I ended up falling asleep almost immediately last night, jet lag really gets to you. Now, I was just sat in the kitchen with Tal and Frey. The boys were all still asleep of course. The door suddenly opened and in walked Summer. 

"Hey?" I said, confused on why she had just barged in without knocking. 

"Harry said I could let myself in" Summer replied bluntly. 

"Oh um okay" I just brushed it off. She went to head upstairs to find Harry, "He's probably still asleep, why don't you come join us?" I asked, grasping at the chance to see what this girl's deal is. 

"Fine" She sighed. I could already tell where Talia and Freya were coming from. 

"So uh how are you?" Freya asked Summer. 

"I'm good" She replied, so blunt again. What is her problem. 

"We should do something today" Talia suggested, "Have a proper girls day" Freya and I agreed, Summer on the other hand. 

"I'd rather not" She rolled her eyes at specifically me. 

"Why?" I questioned, I wanted to get a rise out of this girl. Seriously, what was her problem?

"I just don't fucking like you!" She snapped. Woah. 

"What the fuck?" Talia whispered. 

I sighed as Jide, Vik and Josh walked downstairs. I just ended up rolling my eyes at her.

JJ snaked his arms around my waist, "Hey babe" I smiled. 

"I'm gonna order food, anyone want anything?" Vik proposed. 

"Yes please, I'm starving" I replied. 

"You don't need it babe" Summer snarkly added. 

"Excuse me?" I piped up. 

She just laughed in my face, "I mean look at you" 

"What's wrong with her?" Talia then added. 

"Should probably make a salad to be honest hun" Summer rolled her eyes, yet again. "Or are you too lazy to even make it yourself, do you need me to make it for you?"

"Nah fuck this" I stood up and stormed up to Harry's room, on the way barging that bitch out of the way. The actual audacity this girl has. 

JJ's pov

"Summer, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Freya said angrily. 

"I mean lets be honest, she's just clapped" Vik and Josh just stare in shock, and so did I. This girl really was vile. I mean Simon warned me that she wasn't who we all thought she was, but now I really understand why. 

"Summer honestly get a grip" I piped up. 

"Oh shut up, I bet she's only with you for money" She laughed, "You could do better, I can't lie"

Talia and Freya just glared at her, they were really pissed. "You are vile" 


I stormed through Harry's door without even knocking, "Mate, you need to sort your girl out" 

"What are you on about?" He stuttered, looking very confused. 

"She's just basically called me fat, she needs to get a grip" 

"What??" Harry replied, "She would never say that" 

"Well she did" 

The door creaks open and there stands, Summer. Of all people she's just exactly who I needed to see. And to my surprise, she was crying? 

"Babe" She ran over to him. He immediately embraced her in a hug asking what was wrong. "Noelle" She cried, "She called me a bitch" 

Sorry?? I know I thought it in my head, but I didn't know she could read fucking minds. "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me" 

"Elle what the fuck?" Harry almost yelled at me. This fucking girl is DELUSIONAL. 

"Since when did I call you a bitch? I've been nothing but nice to you" 

"Harry, seriously sort yourself out and especially her" I sighed not wanting to deal with it anymore. And with that I walked out and straight into my room. I sprawled out onto the bed and buried my face into a pillow. 

Harry's pov

Noelle just stormed out of my room and I'm very very confused. 

"Did she actually say that to you?" I asked Summer. I'm hearing two sides of the story and I really don't know what to believe. 

"Yeah, yeah she did" She cried into my arms, "I don't know where it came from, she's being so horrible" This doesn't sound like my Elle at all, but I can't help but to believe my girlfriend. She's in hysterics. 

"Listen, I'll sort it out alright" I said comfortingly. 


Noelle's pov

For the last hour or so I've just been in my room staring into blank space. I just couldn;t believe how fucked up this girl was in the head. Don't get me wrong I stand for 'girls support girls'  but she was the complete opposite of it. Suddenly, my door creaks open to reveal Freya and Talia. 

"We bring alcohol" Talia cheekily smiled. 

"Oh, thankyou I need it" I replied. This Summer girl was STRESS. 

We ended up sticking a film on and drinking our stress away. 

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