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They've been together three fucking months.
They've taken it too far. Use protection JJ you dick.


Noelle's pov

"My phone's gonna die what's taking him so long?" I laughed.

"Probably having a go on the old cocaine" Simon chuckled.

"Noelle, I can't fucking believe you" I faintly heard from the top of the stairs. All our heads snapped up to Harry very angrily storming back into the living room.

"You've been together three fucking months!" Harry yelled in fury.

I shot up and immediately snatched the pregnancy test from his hand that he had found. "Why the fuck are you snooping through my stuff?"

"You don't get to turn this on me, why didn't you tell me Elle?"

"We were going to tell you today, I knew you would act like this" I screamed back in his face.

"Bro, calm down" Josh chimed in.

"Look. I know this isn't the perfect timing it just sort of happened, but you can't just blame me for it" I replied defensively.

"I can't trust you anymore. Why do you keep hiding things from me?" Harry replied boldly.

"I knew you would overreact, like this" I sighed, "That's why".

"Oh, piss off" Harry replied.

"I'm done" I sighed, "You're so immature Harry, get over yourself".

"I'm immature?" He laughed in my face. "You're the one getting knocked up after a few months".

"Harry" Talia sighed as she rubbed my back comfortingly.

Josh walked up to Harry, "I think you just need some time to calm down, come on let's go for a drive".

Harry looked away from Josh and towards me, "I'll be back" he said seriously and stormed out the door.

Josh looked back towards me, "I'll sort him out, don't worry". I smiled at him thankfully.

I looked to the ground as my breathing started to become shakier and heavier. I slowly inhaled and exhaled knowing what was about to come.

"Hey girl, it'll all be okay. We're here for you" Talia spoke up warmly.

"We're happy for you both" Simon smiled, "Harry'll get over it, it's just how he acts".

"Thanks guys" I lowly whispered. "I'm gonna head up to my room for a bit, see you guys".

"Cya Elle".

I slowly got up from the sofa, feeling nauseous as hell.

I rushed up the stairs and to my room, my breathing becoming faster and uneasy.

"Shit" I whispered.

A million thoughts and emotions ran through my mind.

Shit isn't going to be the same with Harry, this is the angriest he's ever been.
He's going to literally kill JJ, fuck sake.
Everyone is going to think different of me, a bad different.

Panicked tears streamed down my face, not threatening to fall. I feel my throat starting to close up slightly, I take a deep breath in and slowly exhale but nothings helping, I feel like I can't breathe.

"Fuck" I shakily exhale, "I need him".

I slowly get up and with all the strength I have I rush over to Jide's room. "Come on Elle, Breathe" I whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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