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"Hey, Yn, come here a sec."

You turned to your senpai, giving him a blank stare. "It's L/n to you. What do you want?"

"Geez, do you have to be so cold?"

You sighed, shutting your laptop and turning to the annoying third year. "What do you want, Tendou-san?"

"I've been asking for the past month if you'd be our manager." The redhead pouted.

You rolled your eyes. "Ok. So?"

"Give it up, she's not joining." Semi shrugged, trying to convince Tendou this was a pointless attempt.

Shirabu snorted. "Just leave the girl alone. She's not interested."

Tendou whined. "But she'd be perfect for the job!"

You quirked a brow, looking at the group of boys before you before releasing a sigh. "What would I have to do?"

Tendou perked up, a smile spreading across his lips. "So does this mean you'll join?"

"Does it mean that you'll stop chasing me down everyday to constantly ask?"

"It does."

"Then, yeah. I'll join."

Semi raised a brow, not convinced by your sudden change. "Are you actually gonna show up to our practices?"

You shrugged. "Sure... as long as you'll let me go on my phone and laptop if I don't really need to do anything."

Tendou's smile somehow spread wider. "Deal."

Ushijima blinked. "Welcome, L/n Y/n. I didn't expect you to come here."

You shrugged, eyes looking just above your phone screen to look at the stone-faced third year. "Neither did I. But conditions were made and I was getting sick of Tendou-san always bothering me. So I joined."

"I see. Well, if you need anything, please let me know. I will do my best- as will everyone else here- to accommodate your needs and keep you comfortablt here."

"Thanks." You turned your attention back to your phone as you made your way over to the bench and sit down.

"Really not social, are ya?" Tendou was attempting to strike up a conversation with you.

Goshiki shook his head. "L/n doesn't really like being around people. She's really smart and is always buried in her laptop or phone, so she never really even looks at anyone."

Of course another first year would have info on you. He's not even in your class, but Goshiki Tsutomu knows about you- almost everyone in the school does. That's to Tendou's credit, though.

You try to stay away from people, not being the best at communicating. You're a somewhat techy person, so you're almost always on your phone or laptop- simply scrolling through whatever catches your interest online. You're notorious for being more or less up-to-date with the latest social media, regardless of what it is or the contents that lurk on the site/app.

Thus, your nerdy yet unfriendly reputation the whole school has built around your entire being.

"She's smart. I wish I could do that too." Shirabu Kenjirou was the one to make that remark.

You knew who all these people are. Who wouldn't? They're the school's boys volleyball club. Shiratorizawa's volleyball club is well-known for being the best in the prefecture. So of course even an antisocial person, such as yourself, would know all these boys.

"I wouldn't call it smart. It's my way of life that the staff simply accepts and that others just need to put up with." To everyone's surprise, you actually decided to take part in their conversation.

Tendou let out an overdramatic gasp. "She speaks!"

You rolled your eyes in annoyance, looking up at the boys of the team nevertheless. "So why me, if I may ask?"

"Be a little more clear, would ya?"

If you were being honest, Tendou was getting on nerves you didn't think you had. "Why did you all want me as your manager? Couldn't you find anyone else? I think there would be more willing volunteers...."

Semi sighed, moving closer to speak to you. "Yes, there are plenty of girls that would line up to be in your position right now. Unfortunately for us, and you now, none of them have the right qualifications. All those girls are fangirls, they'd simply only join just to get a chance to be near the boy she may like."

"I see. So all the girls in the school would have some sort of ulterior motive for signing up to be the manager."

Shirabu nodded. "Exactly and it's really fucking annoying."

Tendou nodded, then pointed to you with both his index fingers. "That's where you come in."

"Me? You want me to keep your fangirls away or something?"

"Oh no no no. You don't have to do that. I mean that you're the only girl that would probably never develop feelings for any of us. Even if you did, I doubt you'd let that get in the way of whatever you do. You're much too focused with your studies and technology to pay us much mind, if you pay us any at all."

"You're not wrong, but I feel like there could've been a better way to say that."

He continued, ignoring your comment. "Between your brains and lack of emotional availability, you're the absolute best choice for our manager!"

"Again, better way to say it. But I totally understand. Just don't become a pain in my ass and I'll be fine with remaining as your manager."

"Really? You have no problem with this?!" Goshiki's eyes lit up at your statement.

You shrugged. "Sure, why not. I have too much free time. Helping out a bit here shouldn't be too bad."

The guys gave quiet cheers, almost all grinning or smirking. This was a personal victory for them- even more special since this seemed impossible compared to all volleyball matches they've ever been in.

You slowly stood up, bowing- completely embarassed by your own actions. "Thanks for having me, please take good care of me. I'm looking forward to working with you."

Hey hey hey

Author-chan over here dropping a new fic

I honestly dunno what people wanna read, or if they even have the time to anymore
But I think making a Tsukishima fic would be nice

It's gonna be a bit different from my other fics
I'm still tryna work out how to write it all out

But I hope that anyone who reads will enjoy it!

Thank you all!
Please be patient while I continue working!

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