Meet Up

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You left your dorm, running so the guys from the team couldn't catch up to you to ask where you were going. Hinata had sent his location, so that's where you sprinting.

You barely even knew this boy, yet here you are running to meet him in person. Kenma told you a bit about him before adding Hinata to your gaming sessions. Even though it was sudden and another person you didn't know at all had just been introduced out of nowhere, you immediately enjoyed Hinata's cheeriness. You didn't quite understand how, but you quickly grew fond of the little sunshine. You of course knew what Hinata looked like since you all always have cameras on during your discord calls. Finding that boy based on his appearance alone would be a piece of cake for you.

As you get closer to the location you had tracked Hinata to being at, something about the school's sign seemed familiar. But due to your lack of sleep, you couldn't place where you'd know "Karasuno" from. As you continue walking on the school's campus, you scan the area in search of who you came for.

You spot a vaguely familiar head of fluffy orange hair, grinning as you recognize the very person you came for. "Shoyo." You call out.

"Y/n?" The boy looked at you, stars in his eyes.

You gave him a small smile. "It's me. Wanna get something to eat?"

He nods eagerly. "I'd love to, I'm starving!"

You chuckle quietly. "I bet."

He continues to stare at you in awe. "You're even prettier in person!"

You give an awkward smile, still not used to receiving compliments. "Thanks, Sho. Whatcha in the mood to eat?"

Hinata beamed. "Meat!"

"Does barbeque sound good to you? I know this really good place nearby?"

"Barbeque!" He begins running around a bit, even happier that you're giving him the kind of meal he was craving after practice.

You chuckle to yourself, amused by his actions. "Yeah. But I suggest not running around too much. You don't know which place I'm taking you. Ya might need to stick with me to know where you're going."

He stops, immediately joining you at your side."Right. After we eat are we going to your place so you can tutor me?"

You nod. "Of course."

"I can't wait to meet your family and go to your house!" He somehow seemed even more excited with that thought.

You sigh, realizing you've taken on a bigger task than you were expecting meaning you're unprepared to deal with his overabundance of energy. "Actually, Sho, I live on my school's campus in a dorm. I don't live at home with my family."

He frowned briefly. "So, I don't get to see your house or meet your family?"

You shake your head. "Sadly, no. But you will be in my living space while I tutor you. And I have plenty of snacks if you get hungry during our session."

Hinata's eyes lit up even brighter than before. "Alright! Let's go!" He begins to run off, not knowing which direction he was running in.

"Dinner first! I thought you wanted barbeque!"


When you ate your fill of the food you and Hinata ordered, a notification popped up on your phone. You quickly checked to see a message from Tsukishima on Wave, Hinata still gorging himself with various barbequed meats.


Hey Y/n

Hey Kei
Wut's up?

Ur hanging with one of my annoying teammates?


Short with orange hair that sticks up in every direction

He's ur teammate?


I didn't know that
My childhood best friend kinda just brought him to our online gaming sessions
Shoyo and I r kinda friends
Not that close tho

Y did u offer to tutor him?

He asked
And it gave me an excuse to get away from my team


U seem upset?
Wut, u jealous?

I just think ur wasting ur time with him
Ur gonna go insane

I always go insane whenever I gotta deal with ppl
This will just give me an excuse to be a bitch with the ppl I hate on the team

Have fun

I won't
But thx

Next time:

"How do I do this?"

"By following the examples I gave on the sheet. If you do what's done on that reference sheet I made for you, there shouldn't be any problems with doing the work."

He frowned, borderline pouting. "It still doesn't make sense."

Boy, was this more than you bargained for.

Up next: Tutoring an Idiot!
Tsukishima might've been right this time...

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