A Boring Break

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"Why the weird face, Tsukishima?"

The blonde first year looked up at his senpai. "What weird face?"

Sugawara smiled warmly. "You look as if something's pissing you off. Is something wrong?"

Tsukishima shrugged, leaning against a nearby wall. "Summer break is starting but it doesn't seem like anything interesting will be happening. The whole time feels like a bore."

"Hmm. Yeah, you've got a point there. A lot of breaks are pretty boring if you don't have any plans you're looking forward to. I hope we can all have some fun."

Daichi stepped into the club room, seeing all the members just lounging around. "Coach informed me that we'll be going to Tokyo over break for a training camp with the Fukurodani group. Apparently, Nekoma is a part of it and coach Nekomata has talked to the other coaches to allow us to join. So a week of our summer break will be spent playing volleyball with a bunch of Tokyo teams."

Sugawara beamed, turning back to the younger boy. "Look at this, Tsukishima. Break won't be boring."

Tsukishima huffed, not amused in the slightest. "It might not be boring, but now it's gonna be annoying."

Hinata appeared beside Sugawara with his usual bright smile. "What's so bad about it? We get to play volleyball during the break! And with a whole bunch of strong teams! There can't possibly be anything better than that!"

Tsukishima glared. "I can think of plenty I'd rather be doing than going to a week-long training camp with you and the king. Literally anything else would be better than being stuck somewhere playing volleyball."

Tanaka and Nishinoya snickered. "Like going on dates with his lady friend."

Tsukishima turned to glare at the two second years, his cheeks flushing lightly. "Leave Y/n out of this."

Yamaguchi carefully sat near the blonde. "But wouldn't you enjoy spending some time with her in person?"

The first year with glasses leaned his head against the wall behind him. "I mean, yeah. I'd love to hangout with Y/n. But she's also busy. She said her team has a whole training camp thing going on here and she won't get the chance to escape during the day."

Sugawara let out a soft chuckle. "Why don't you try calling or texting her every night, since you two won't get the opportunity to meet up in person?"

Tsukishima had thought of this before, however there's a new problem with that. "No way will I be constantly contacting her around all of you. Who knows what kind of bullshit some of these annoying and immature guys will get into while I try talking to Y/n."

Daichi sighed. "Language. But... you do have a point, Tsukishima. Around certain members of this team, not to mention the players from other teams, it might not be the best thing to have a good conversation with your friend."

Hinata suddenly had an idea. "Kenma said that he might try inviting Y/n-chi to Tokyo is she's free at any time during the break. Maybe if she's able to come during our training camp, we'll get to have time with her!"

Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. "I highly doubt she'll be free then. As I already said, she'll be busy with her own team."

The ginger shrugged. "I was just offering a suggestion. No need to be all angry over it."

"Just leave me alone."

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