
59 1 4

Out of nowhere, he slammed his fist on the table.

The entire team looked at the boy with widened eyes, surprised by his sudden actions.

Sugawara warily approached him. "Are you ok, Tsukishima?"

Tsukishima held a deep frown on his face as he looked up at his senpai. "It's nothing."

Kageyama snorted, muttering loud enough for the team to hear. "Doesn't seem like nothing. Salty boy is even saltier today."

The blond glared at the first year setter. "Shut the fuck up, king. It's none of your business."

Daichi sighed, standing in between the two first years. "Calm down you two. Let's not start with this today."

Tsukishima huffed, turning his gaze back to his phone - which hasn't received a notification all day. 'Why hasn't Y/n messaged all day? Is she just really busy? Or is she uninterested in me? Come on, Y/n... just send something my way.'

Yamaguchi looked at his friend, feeling bad that he's feeling some form of distress. "Hey, Tsukki...."

"What, Yamaguchi?" Irritation was laced in Tsukishima's voice.

The green haired boy flinched. "If this has anything to do with Y/n, by any chance?"

The blonde sighed heavily, eyes still glued on his phone. "She hasn't sent anything all day."

Hinata perked up, having some interest in your involvement to the situation with his teammate. "According to Kenma, Y/n-chi is pretty busy and only responded to him right before going to sleep last night. Maybe you should text her first."

Tsukissima would never admit it, but he felt Hinata had a point this time. So, he decided to try texting you through Wave first.


Hey Y/n

Sorry for not texting earlier

It's fine
Been busy?

It's been exhausting already
How r u doing?

Have to deal with idiots
Nothing new

The guys here r rly annoying
I can't even begin to count how many have been trying to flirt with me

Must suck

It does
I'm just glad I got to hear from u today
If it's ok with u, maybe I'll call before going to sleep

Sounds good



Tsukishima would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to you calling him later. A small smile took form on his face. He had been disappointed that he hadn't heard fom you earlier. But now he was almost estatic that he gets your attention, even if it's just for a little.


"Y/n! Off your phone!"

You quickly send your last text to Tsukishima and hurry to put your phone away, looking up at the team. "Sorry! Kei texted me suddenly. You have my attention."

Semi gave a soft smile. "It's ok, L/n. You're still doing a great job. Tendou, don't be so hard on her."

"Keep up the good work, L/n." Kawanishi gave you a thumbs-up.

You gave a tired smile. "Thanks, guys. All of you are also doing really good. Keep this up and hopefully you'll be taking first place this tournament."

Ushijima nodded. "Your kind and hopeful words are much appreciated, L/n. Your support is needed, we're glad you've embraced this."

You nod, releasing a small sigh. "I'm trying. I never expected the inter-high to be like this. Maybe Suna was right... I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed."

Goshiki stood in front of you, somehow still brimming with energy. "Don't worry, L/n! You can do this! We won't let you down! We'll keep winning till we take first place!"

You giggle, turning yourhead slightly to take a look at the match Inarizaki was currently busy with. "Wow. Even though he acts weird, Suna really is a good player. It kinda pisses me off. I really want you guys to beat them now."

All of the Shiratorizawa guys laughed at your refreshed annoyance with the players from other teams.

This motivated them to win their match, bringing them one step closer to winning the entire inter high.

Hey, author-chan here!

I know it's been a while since I've lasted worked on and updated this story. Truth is, college is stressful and has been keeping me busy. I'm gonna be doing my best to work on this as frequently as I can.

My hope is to bring this story to a finish by the end of summer. I wish I had finished it by now, but there was no way to predict how busy I'd get.

But that doesn't matter now!
I'm back and will be continuing to work on this till completed!

Pls continue to enjoy!


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