Inter-High Prep!

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After another week of resting, you were finally able to go back to your normal routine.

And, like usual, you walked alone to the gym to start up your manager duties for the volleyball team yet again. The moment you opened the gym doors and walked inside, all eyes were on you.

Tendou smiled, throwing his hands into the air. "Yay! Our manager is ready for the inter-high!"

The coach smiled at you. "There's only a few days left for practice before official inter-high matches. Glad to have you back in time for that."

"What the fuck."

"Welcome back! Now do your manager duties so we can win the inter-high with you!"

"Fuck this." You turn and prepare to leave, not matching Tendou's energy and excitement at your return.

The redhead quickly ran over and blocked your path to the doors. "Hey! Come on! Show more excitement!"

You glare. "I come back and you're all making me do shit. No thanks."

Semi walked over, offering a gentle smile as always. "You don't actually have to do anything, L/n. Just sit here, watch us, and internally give us support. We don't want you doing too much too soon, so just relax and don't strain yourself. Sound good?"

You nod, smiling faintly in gratitude towards your senpai. "Yeah, thanks, Semi-senpai."

"Is that a smile I see on your face?!" Tendou beamed, seeing a semblance of a smile on you for the first time ever.

You immediately frown, glaring at the loudmouthed redhead once more. "No. Now leave me alone, Tendou."

Before the third year middle blocker had the chance to respond any further, you had turned your back to him and began making your way to the bench you usually sat on during practices. You silently took out your laptop, opening up an all too familiar tab. This tab held every note you've ever taken on the volleyball team during all the practices you've ever sat through. No one other than you knew about this little note taking of yours, you kept it a secret. You started it as a way to better understand volleyball and the team itself. As you continued taking these notes, it became a way for you to see where the team was and if there was anything they could possibly improve with.

Basically, you're secretly a really good and devoted manager. But no one really needs to know that. None of the guys need to find out how you've actually grown fond of them and enjoy their presence, even if you can get annoyed by their constant pestering.

And like that, the practice continued as it always had. With you as the secretly hardworking manager.


"Look at that!"

You raise your eyebrows at the team, all of them seeming to be excited over something. "What?"

Only Goshiki shared your confusion. "What's the big deal?"

Shirabu looked at Goshiki in annoyance, his gaze falling just short of you. "The brackets for the prelims, the string of matches to determine who gets to take part in the inter-high."

Tendou beamed, overly excited about the bracket system. "If things go the way they usually do, we'll be facing Seijoh in the finals!"

You groaned, a fragment of memory from the last time you encountered the Aoba Johsai team flashing through your mind. "Please, anything but Oikawa again!"

Semi chuckled lightly, remembering your past complaints of the opposing setter. "Don't worry. You shouldn't have to deal with him this time around. We'll only see them for the match and easily beat em like always. None of us will let Oikawa try to flirt with you again."

You perked up a bit hearing those genuinely comforting words, the kind of words you weren't used to- you rarely heard them in the past, this was a first for you. "Thanks, senpai. I'd really appreciate if you all kept Oikawa away from me. I'm your manager, not his. You guys are my team, and I'm only supporting you."

All the guys on the team were caught off guard by your genuinely sincere statement. Smiles formed on each and every one of their faces as hey continued to look at you. "Aww. Thanks, L/n. We won't let you down!"

Next time:

"I remember that really cute manager, I wish I could've gotten her to go out on a date with me!"

The first year boy frowned upon hearing that statement, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "What girl?"

The older boy looked at the younger in surprise. "That's the thing! She never gave me her first name! But she was such a cutie! H/l h/c hair, beautiful clear s/c skin, and these absolutely mesmerizing e/c eyes!"

His eyes widened as he realized who Oikawa was describing, his heart beat changing, a slight pain forming in his chest. "Y/n...."

See what happens in the next part!
Next time: Karasuno vs. Aoba Johsai- After Match
Look who's become a small celebrity among high school boys volleyball teams....

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