R + R

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Once you were let out of the hospital, you went back to your dorm room at Shiratorizawa. You had been ordered to rest, so you couldn't go to classes and ended up doing all your work on your laptop back in your room.

Though the guys seemed unwilling, they had allowed you some time off from your manager duties to recover a bit. Each of them offered to visit you and help out if you ever needed or wanted it. You accepted their offers, though reluctantly at first.

As you laid in your bed, bored out of your mind with nothing to do, your phone went off. The screen revealed a notification from Wave. You sigh as you grab your phone and open the app.

Your eyes widened upon seeing the sender of the message.


Wut happened?!

I've been in the hospital

R u feeling better?


Let me know if there's anything I can do for u


Cuz I'm here for u

Ur being unusually caring

Cuz I care about u even tho we haven't met in person
And the gc went crazy the moment ur team told us u got hit by a car

It was no big deal




Oh no
Wut a shame

Ur lucky I'm not in Miyagi
I'd make sure u know how much everyone u met cares for u
Even if ur an antisocial nerd

But fair ig

How u holding up?

Still alive
Ig that's something

It is
I'd say it's a great thing

Y u putting so much into checking in on me?

Cuz we're friends now
Friends care about each other and check up on each other

Wouldn't know anything about that
Never had friends before


Not social


I'm tired
Gonna head to bed


You sigh as you close the message thread with Suna. It wasn't that you disliked him, you just weren't too keen on talking to him if the topic wasn't blackmail. It was mainly his flirting and attempts to act closer to you that made you feel somewhat uncomfortable chatting with him, even if it was just through a screen.

Your attention as brought back to your phone's screen as another notification popped up. Another message on Wave. This time from a different sender.


Hey Y/n
Haven't heard from u in a while
Everything ok?

Hey Kei
Yeah sorry
I've just been in the hospital for a bit

Did smth happen?

Got hit by a car

R u ok?!

I'm just living in my room
I'm not supposed to be in classes for a bit
And I got excused from manager duties
So I've just been chiling

Glad to hear ur alright
Other than that, anything exciting happen?

It's been pretty boring
I do all my schoolwork on my laptop
It's rly easy and I get it all done within 20mins max

At least getting hit by a car didn't effect ur ability to do work

How've u been?

Other than worried for u
Just annoyed by my team

What have they been doing?

Other than spamming the team gc
It's just rly annoying how determined they r to win all our matches

In the upcoming inter-high?

Ur team's playing in there too

I doubt we'll be paired early on
So it's unlikely we'd see each other

I see
How good is ur team anyways?

The boys never lose
Mainly cuz of how overpowering our ace is

Even if the teams don't get matched up, wouldn't there be a chance our teams play in the same arena?

Small chance
The coach already sent me the info for the inter-high
I doubt we'd be playing in the same stadium
If anything, u might be in the same place as Aoba Johsai

So u know what school I go to?

Just making a guess
I hope we'd be in the same block
But I doubt it

U hope?
U wanna see me irl now?

Next time:

"Do you like him?"

"I'm not sure. What's it feel like to have romantic feelings for someone?"

"You wanna see em and talk to them all the time."

"Your heart races and your breathing changes when you even think about the person."

"I can't tell since it's not in person."

"You probably like him. I mean, you even wanna see him in person, don't you?"

Next up: Heart's Desires?
What happens when feelings start being brought into this online friendship?

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