A Lonely Break

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You let out a sigh. Summer break started, but you didn't have any plans.

Originally, you were supposed to be helping out with a training camp your team was involved with. However, those plans got canceled due to the other teams that were supposed to be involved being unable to make it. The team decided to give you the entire break off, so you didn't have any plans.

You sighed, pulling out your phone with a frown spreading on your face.


Hey Kei

Wut up

I'm bored
Whatcha up to

I have a training camp with my team in a different prefecture for a week


Don't u have a training camp for ur team?

It got canceled
I got no plans
Nor anyone to hang out with

Must suck
Wish I was free

Me too

I'll try texting when I get the chance

See ya

You let out a huff, feeling lonelier now that you didn't have anyone to spend time with. Since the Shiratorizawa boys didn't want to bother you, you didn't have anyone else to even try talking to.

You were worried that your entire break would end up being unbearably boring and lonely. So, you decided to contact someone that never turns down your presence, regardless of the situation.

"Y/n? What's up?"

"Ken, I'm bored. I don't have any plans for break. I'm already dying of loneliness. Help me out."

Kenma paused for a brief moment, then let out a sigh. "I have a training camp coming up. But I would feel better to have you there. If I can convince my team and coach to let you come, would you be willing to help out and any sorta like our manager for a week?"

"I'd gladly do that!"

"Whoa, really? That's... unexpected, coming from you."

"I'm becoming desperate for plans, Ken. I really don't wanna be all bored by myself if there's even the slightest chance I'd get to do something I don't normally do. My family hasn't made any plans, and my team gave me time off. Even if I have to do any kind of manager duties, I'd be willing to do anything for any kind of plans. And the best part is that I'll be around you! Doesn't that count as a good plan already?"

Kenma chuckled softly, almost inaudible. "You're right. I'm glad you'll be helping us out. Hopefully, this will shut my teammates up about wanting a manager. With you helping out, there's no way they'll try making a fuss over the managers of other teams. And I think I'd enjoy myself more if I had you around."

You beamed with happiness. "Same here. It feels like it's been forever since the last time we were able to hang out in person. This'll be fun."

"Yeah, if you ignore the fact that there'll be so many annoying volleyball obsessed guys there."

"I already deal with those kinds of guys. This'll just feel normal. But, like, better. Ya know, since we get to hangout."

Kenma rolled his eyes, even though he knew you couldn't see it. "You've got a point there, Y/n. I guess we'll be spending our break together."

"That, we will."

"When will you be heading here?"

You hummed, taking a quick moment to think about it. "If I pack tonight, I'll probably be able to arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a plan to me. I'll be at the station to pick you up in the afternoon. Until the training camp starts, you can stay at my house with me."

"Ok. Is your team gonna be ok with that, though? What about the coaches?"

Kenma chuckled. "Yeah, they're fine with it. Actually, they're totally thrilled by the arrangement."

Your eyes widened as you got off your bed to start packing for the trip. "Really? How do you know?"

"I asked the gc for my team that involved the coaches. They all know the situation and are more than ok with you joining us."

"Bet. I'll see ya tomorrow afternoon."

"See ya tomorrow, Y/n."

And with that, you hurried to pack everything you'd need for your trip.


"Hey, Ken!"

The pudding head smiled at you. "Long time, no see."

"Yeah, it really has been a while."

"My mom's excited to see you again."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go back to your house!"

"Alright. Let's begin our fun summer break."

You smiled at your best friend. "Let's have the best summer ever!"

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