Under the Stars

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"Um... is Kei here?"

Sugawara gave a warm smile. "Sorry, he left a while ago."

Your smile faltered. "I see. Any clue where he might've gone? We were interrupted while having a conversation and I'd really like to pick up where we left off."

"Sorry, no clue. I wish I could be of more help to you."

You shook your head. "It's fine. Thank you anyways."

With a heavy heart, you walk away. The first place you thought to check would be outside. So, you began to wander outside under the night sky in search of Tsukishima.

"Kei!" You ran to the boy and threw yourself onto him the moment you spotted his figure under a tree on a hill.

He groaned as he felt your whole weight land on top of him. "Why did you jump on me, Y/n?"

You beamed at him. "Cuz I'm excited I found you!"

Tsukishima's eyes widened. "You were looking for me?"

You nod, smile not leaving your face. "Yep! And now that I've found you, we can continue with our conversation. Right?"

"Of course."

You got off the boy and sat beside him, looking into his beautiful golden-brown eyes. "So what were you saying before we got interrupted?"

The dark blush returned to Tsukishima's face. "Um... Y/n?"

"Yes, Kei?"

"Remember what we were talking about earlier?"

"Of course! We both feel our hearts beating fast. What were you gonna say about that?"

He took a deep breath, looking intently into your eyes. "Y/n, even though this is the first time we've met in person, we've gotten to know each other well through Wave."

"We really have. It's amazing how close we've grown, even though our entire relationship was formed through a screen."

He nodded. "Yeah. And... I've realized something about myself since we first started talking and getting to know each other."

Your heart skipped a beat, you felt he was about to say something serious. You leaned in closer, letting him know he has your full attention. "And what would that be?"

"Y/n... I've grown to like you a lot. You know, as more than a friend. I think... I think I might be in love with you."

Your eyes widened upon hearing those words. "You... love me?"

He averted his eyes, unable to look at you. "Y-yeah."

You smile, eyes sparkling and reflecting the moonlight. "I... I feel the same, Kei. I wasn't really sure, and had to get advice. But... I think I know now. I think I'm in love with you too."

His eyes widened as he looked at you once more. "Really?"

"I can prove it to you."

Without warning you leaned in, slowly closing your eyes as you inched closer to Tsukishima. Gently, you pressed your lips against his.

At first, Tsukishima was caught off guard by the kiss. But he quickly melted into it, gently wrapping hum arms around you and pulling you closer.

You gladly drape your arms around him, happily getting closer to him as your drag the kiss out.

"Does that prove I love you?"

He chuckles, leaning his forehead against yours. "I don't think either of us need words after that."

"So... do we date now?"

"I'd say so."

You giggle, giving a slight squeeze with your hug. "I'd be honored to be your girlfriend, Kei."

"And I'll be more than happy to be your boyfriend, Y/n."

"I guess we're official."

"I guess we are." Tsukishima leans in to give you one more soft kiss.

You two remained together like that under the starry sky.

The End

The End

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