Partners in Blackmail

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The Shiratorizawa team was shocked by the sudden closeness shown between you and Kawanishi, to say the least.

You two, however, had no clue what chaos you left behind in the chat.

You had walked over to Kawanishi and Shirabu's dorm, about to knock once when a smirking Kawanishi opens the door.

"I've been expecting you, L/n-chan."

You chuckled, stepping into the room while he closed the door behind you two. "Well duh. I want my blackmail, Kawanishi-senpai. Speaking of... where is it?"

The second year middle blocker led you to Shirabu's side of the dorm, opening several drawers for you to see the contents. "Do whatever you want, my dear." He gave a playful wink.

You rolled your eyes, scoffing playfully. "Goodness, senpai! If I didn't know better, I'd say you're flirting with me."

He shrugged, a childish smile spreading wide across his face. "Oh, my dear kouhai, how are you so sure I'm not?"

You two stared into each other's eyes for several moments before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Senpai, you're the best!"

"I try, I try. But it seems that you're the only one that ever notices, L/n." Kawanishi shrugged, settling himself down while starting to guide you towards the stuff he found for your blackmail.

Your eyes landed on it, an evil smirk spreading across your face. "Wow. To think you, Shirabu-san's own roommate, would show a girl his underwear for blackmail."

The boy grinned. "Ah, well, I hate to do it to him... but he brought this upon himself. He was really being too mean towards you this time. Now, go ahead and enjoy your blackmail material. Do as you please. I'll make sure he doesn't come back in before you do whatever ya need to do."

You turned to give him a quick hug- something you two would do sneakily so the others wouldn't see just how close you were- then returned to taking pics of Shirabu's things.


"Kawanishi! LET ME IN! THIS IS MY ROOM TOO!" Shirabu was pounding on the door.

You had finished gathering everything you needed for blackmail when you and your partner in crime first heard Shirabu yell and start pounding on the door. Kawanishi panicked and immediately locked and barricaded the door.

"Calm down, Shirabu! It's just a prank!"


You sighed and unlocked the door, getting help from Kawanishi to remove the barricade. You quickly sent the blackmail via Wave, not checking which person it sent to. "Chill, senpai. We're just messing with you."

The second year setter glared. "What did you two touch?!"

"Nothing." You two spoke in unison.

And soon, the matter was dropped.


The majority of the guys from the Shiratorizawa boys volleyball club gathered together. One simple thought running through all their minds.

"Are L/n and Kawanishi dating?!"

"It would appear so." The captain spoke with a straight face to his panicking team.

"Since when?!" They continued to panic.

"Who knows? It's probably recently. They started spending a lot of time together within the past week or so." Tendou shrugged, starting to lose interest with this topic.

Shirabu frowned. "As suspicious as that is... there's still the matter of how L/n reacts when it comes to that guy she talks to on Wave. If she were to develop feelings for anyone, I'd assume it would be him."

Semi nodded. "That does make more sense. But the fact that Kawanishi and L/n sneak around and hangout with each other is also pretty unexpected. It kinda makes sense that they could be dating."

"We're not. Please don't talk about us behind our backs." You and Kawanishi had snuck up behind the team, startling them once you two announced your presence.

Your phone went off before anyone had the chance to open their mouth. Your eyes widened upon reading the message from the sender.

Next time:

That was...

I'm so sorry!
I didn't mean to send that to u

I thought that was a bit...

Find out what happens next!

Next chapter: Wrong Send

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