Bonus! : Kenma's Neighbor

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You sigh, relaxing as you settle into your childhood best friend's room. "It feels like just yesterday since we last cuddled in here on the bed after playing video games together all night."

Kenma nodded, taking a seat beside you on his bed. "Yeah, though it was forever and a half ago."

"Man, we got old."

"We're still only high school students, Y/n."

"I know. But just think about how close we are to adulthood."

Kenma scrunched his face up. "No. I don't wanna think about that."

You giggle. "So expressive."

He rolls his eyes. "Did you wanna play some games?"

You grin. "You didn't even need to ask."



"Calm down."


"Wait, really? OH FUCK NO! KILL EM!"

You two decided to play on an online forum. And, of course, ran into a few problems with other players on the server. Random players were trying to steal stuff from the supplies you and Kenma had. Once you realized this, you started losing you'd shit and began killing various other players in game. And now, you officially brought it to Kenma's attention and he joined you.

So here you two are, in Kenma's bedroom, raging over a game. It truly was a sight to see.

"Hey, Kenma. Everything al... who's the girl?"

You two paused your game and turned to face the person who just entered the room. You sort of recognized him, though you couldn't place it.

Kenma rolled his eyes and turned back to the game. "This is Y/n. Remember when you walked in that one time I was playing a game, Kuro? She's the person I was on that video chat with."

Your eyes widened slightly. "That's where I saw him. Thought I'd remember that bedhead." Your focus was also redirected to the game.

Kuroo walked over and sat on an empty spot on Kenma's bed. "Nice to actually meet you in person, Y/n. I'm Kuroo Tetsurou."

You frowned at the use of your first name. "It's L/n to you. And nice to meet you, Kuroo-senpai."

The third year smirked slightly. "So you're the friend of Kenma's that'll be acting as our manager for our upcoming training camp?"

"Yup. That's me. I'm the manager of my school's team, so acting as one for you guys won't be hard."

"Why aren't you back home with your team? Don't they have a training camp or something?"

You shook your head. "It got canceled and I was given the entire break off. So Kenma and I agreed I could come here. I don't mind helping out as long as I get to spend time with my best friend."

Kuroo smiled, looking at the two of you playing a video game together. "I'm absolutely fine with Kenma spending time with a good friend of his. I hope we can spend a little time getting to know each other over this break."

Kenma frowned, glancing at Kuroo from the corner of his eye. "Stay away. She's my best friend, Kuro. Don't try stealing her."

"I'm not! I just wanna get to know your friend a little!"

You smiled slightly at their interaction. "Don't worry, Ken, no one can steal me from you. And Kuroo-senpai, I'd be cool with getting to know each other a little bit. It couldn't hurt to attempt to make more friends, especially with people Kenma spends time with."

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