Chapter 3-EDITED

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{^That is what I believe Ainsley Looks like.^}

Ainsley POV:

I was walking into my house after practice when I got a text.

New Message from Keaton: Hey Be at your place at 7-ish just leaving my house. Had to drop

Me: OK sounds good I just got outta practice, I'm gonna shower quick. I should be done by then but if I'm not just walk in. My parents aren't at home they went out tonight.

Keaton: OK sounds good, see ya in 15.

I hopped in the shower after picking out what I was going to wear. I decided on a cute blue blouse and some holey jeans. I showered quickly then, got the blow dryer out and straitened my hair. I threw some perfume on and put my favorite boots on. I looked at the clock and it said 7:15. I grabbed my purse and rushed downstairs. Keaton was sitting on the couch when I walked down.

"Hey sorry, It took a little longer than I thought it was going to to get all ready. Have you been waiting long?" I said.

"I got here about 10 minutes ago, so not too long. Its OK Ains, I had some emails to check anyways." He said. "Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep, I am ready." I answered. Keaton followed me to the door I grabbed my keys. We walked out the door and I locked it behind me. We walked down the driveway to his Red Camaro. Keaton opened the passenger side door for me.

"Thank you." I thanked him.

"Anytime." He answered. He grinned and held eye contact with him for a couple seconds before he shut the door and headed for the drivers side.

We drove to Yolo which was only 5 minute drive from my house in almost complete silence. We made a little small talk but not much.

As I walked in to Yolo Froyo Keaton held the door for me. I thanked him and walked up to the counter to order.

"I'd like a strawberry froyo please." I said.

"OK, is that all for you ma'am?" The lady working the counter with the name tag Sophie asked.

I was getting my wallet open when Keaton said. "I've got it. I'd like a small Watermelon froyo please." He said to Sophie. "I've got yours Ains." He told me. I argued with him But I knew I wasn't going to win so I finally gave in.

He handed Sophie a $10 bill and said keep the change as she handed us our froyo. We walked over to a small booth in the corner. We sat in silence for about 30 seconds and I started to say something to break the silence.

"Thank you for the Froyo. You didn't have to pay for mine." I said.

"Trust me it's no problem, I was the one who asked you here anyways." He said.

"Why did you ask me here anyways?" I asked.

"I know things were awkward earlier today and I just wanted to make sure you are okay?"He stated.

"I am OK, why wouldn't I be. But Keat, is something up with you? Because you never stare at me in class or choose me on your team in P.E." I answered.

" There's nothing up with me, I just thought you could tell. I like you Ains and I have for a while now. I've been trying for over a year to show that to you. That's why I bring you coffee and stare at you and ask you to be on my team. I like to be around you." He confessed.

I was shocked. Maya was right.

"Are you being serious?"" I asked. Almost in tears.

"Yes Ainsley, I am being serious. I wouldn't lie to you." He said. "Do you feel the same?" He asked.

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