Chapter 18

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I woke up at 8:30 to be ready for Keaton. I was going to hear his piece, but, I wasn't going to let him hurt me.

He pulled in right on time and I got into his car. He handed me my coffee and my favorite chocolates. We didn't speak until he pulled into the Walmart parking lot to talk.

"Ains, I never wanted to break it off with you." He started. "I didn't it because I love you."

"Keat, I can't do this. You seem so bipolar one minute you want me the next you don't. I can't do this anymore. I-I think we need to just be done." I said not thinking, I really truly in my heart didn't want us to be done. But, at the same time I couldn't be hurt again.

"Are you sure? You agree with me on this one?" He asked.

"Yeah, lets just be done with this, maybe I wasn't ready for a relationship yet."

"Ainsley you're didn't do anything wrong. It was me."

"Really you have to pull the 'It's not you, it's me card'" I said with a chuckle.

"You know what I mean." He said with a glare. "Let me take you home."

He took me home and I went up to my room. I tried not to sulk because this was for the best. I wasn't ready for a relationship. No, I was ready it just wasn't Keaton & I's time yet. If it was we would still be together. If we are meant to be we will find our way back to each other.


When she wanted us to be done I my heart felt heavy. I loved her and I didn't want to hurt her, but, in my heart I knew it as for the better.

After I dropped her off I wanted to call her and tell her not to leave me, to stay with me, to do long distance. But I couldn't bring myself to make her suffer so I could be happy. If it's not meant to be it's not meant to be.

I went home walked to my room and played video games to keep me distracted. I leave in 4 days for college and I needed to get my mind off of Ainsley and on to packing my things and thinking about football season.

I decided to go downstairs and grab something to eat. My mom made homemade pizza last night so I grabbed a piece of that and jumped into my car and went to Brant's.

Brant didn't live too far away. So I was there in just a few minutes. When I arrived there I went and knocked on the door and Brant's mother answered.

"Hello, Mrs. Mason, I am hear to see Brant." I said.

"Hi Keaton, he is in his room you can go on up." She replied pointing to the stairs.

"Thank you." I answered.

I walked upstairs and went to Brant's room.

"Hey man." I said.

"My boy, what brings you to my neck of the woods." Brant commented.

"I need to talk to you." i said

"Um ok, what's on your mind?"

"I want to be with Ainsley but I don't want to force her or ruin her life." I said.

"Then just give her some time to think and then maybe you'll see if you can be without her or not." He suggested.

"Yeah man, maybe, but i love her Brant, she's not just some girl I sleep with and forget her name or don't talk to again." I said.

"To be honest I don't know how you feel but I know you must really love her if you are here asking me for advice." He said, "If I were you I would give her some time and see how she feels too."

"I will try that how much time do I give?"

"However much she needs to realize you are too good to pass up." Brant said hitting my shoulder.

Then we dropped the subject and played Call Of Duty for a while before I decided to go home. 

A/N: Super short chapter but I will be releasing another chapter later today so be on the look out lets get some votes though!!! 

I thought I'd bring out Keatons POV too in this chapter.

Keep up on the votes, comments and shares and thanks for 1.2K views. 

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