Chapter 5

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^What I believe Jess to look like^

Ainsley's P.O.V.:

I set the ball to Lola, she spiked it over the net... She scored that was the last point of the game. Everyone in the stands were so happy they were chanting the school song. I ran and hugged Lola, I was so proud of her. We we lining up to shake hands when I saw Cameron, Brant, Mitch, Luke, and Nathan all had poster signs in their hands. They stood in a line and Cooper stood in the middle with flowers. All the volleyball girls were walking over there when the boys showed us the signs it read.

You can hit a volleyball hard, You can set a volleyball high, but you set the bar high when it comes to Hoco proposal. So what do you say? Be my date to the Hoco dance?

Cooper walked up to Jess and handed her the flower. The bouquet of roses.

"So Jess. Will you be my date to the dance?" He asked again.

Jess stood there shocked. "Of course Coop, I'd love to." Jess said smiling.

They hugged each other and took some pictures.

I walked up to Keaton.

"You played so well. I am so proud of you." Keaton said.

"Thank you." I blushed. "That was so sweet. Cooper did a great job. He was really nervous. I could tell." I said to him.

"I told him that I would help hold a sign for him so that's what I did." Keaton said.

"That's sweet of you. I am gonna go change quick and go back to my place so I can get ready to go for tonight." I told him.

"OK Ains, see ya then." He hugged me again.

I walked with Lola back to the locker room. We changed very quick and then walked to my blue Jeep which was parked in the junior parking section.

"I have no idea what I am going to wear tonight." I confessed to Lola while I got into the driver's seat.

"Well, you're in luck because I know what you're gonna wear tonight." She said. "My royal blue floral dress with the jean jacket and the sandals." She finished.

"OK that works for me. Thank's Lo." I answered.

"Anything for my bestie and hopefully sister in the future." She winked.

We hurried into my house and she brought her bag of clothes and makeup. We walked into my house quickly my dad was vacuuming.

"Hey dad." I said.

"Hey Ains. Good game tonight hon." He replied shutting off the vacuum. Keith Morris was a tall man with glasses he had dark hair and blue eyes like me.

"Thanks dad." I said. "I have to go get ready. I have a date tonight." I replied.

My mom must have heard me because she walked into the living room where we were.

"With whom?" My mom asked.

"Its with Keaton." Lola blurted out. "Oops sorry Ains. I am just so excited."

"You two are finally together. That's great. It was only a matter of time before you two got together." Mom said. "Lisa and I have been hoping you guys were going to get together for year." she finished.

"Really mom." I said. I looked down at my apple watch. "Um mom can we finish this later Keats gonna be here in half an hour and I still have to shower and get ready."

"Sure honey, have fun. Be home by 11:30 though." She reminded me.

I rushed upstairs dumped everything on my bed and hopped in the shower.

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