Chapter 16

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Ainsley POV: 2 weeks left of summer

I only had two weeks left with Keaton before he went off to college. I knew he was going to come home and visit on the weekends. But, I wanted to see him more than that.

I was watching One Tree Hill when Keat knocked on my bedroom door. He opened the door. "Hey babe. Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"I'm watching One Tree Hill." I replied with a shrug. "You can come watch if you want."

He sat down next to me on my bed and I nestled my way into his embrace.

About half-way through the first episode he blurted out "This show is so dramatic how do you keep up?"

I started laughing. "I love this show, I mean yeah there's drama but it's so intriguing." I answered.

He kissed my forehead. "Baby, can we do something else?" He asked.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Let's go for a walk."

"Ok lemme grab my shoes then we can go."

We walked around in a park near my house for a while.

"Ainsley we need to talk." He stated rather blandly.

"Um ok." I answered.

We walked over to a bench and sat down.

"So how do you see us working out with me going off to college?" He asked.

"Well I figured we'd do long distance until I graduate next spring then I would attend the same college as you." I suggested.

"Ains, I will only see you on weekends maybe once a month. I wouldn't like that and I know you wouldn't either. I just don't want to tie you down to me when I am not here for you." He finished.

"Keat, I love you and you are who I want to be tied down to If I'm tied down to anyone. It won't be easy, but, who said relationships are easy?" I answered. "I will come visit you and watch you play football on the weekends."

"Ok Ains, I just don't want you to feel like you have to do this. You know I want whats best for you because I love you." He responded.

"I know, I want whats best for you too ya know." I said.

We decided to drop the conversation on a high note and went back to my house. I convinced him to watch a couple more episodes of One Tree Hill and then he decided to go home because apparently he has had too much drama for today.

I decided to go to sleep early since I had church in the morning.


"Keat." I yelled "Keat" I yelled once more. I was kicking someone, someone had grabbed from the street when I left the football game. Nobody was around. I was scared. The person who grabbed me covered my head so my screams were muffled. I tried hard to get away. I was hit in the head by something hard, maybe a stick or a pipe and I was thrown into a trunk of a car knocked out.

The next thing I know I am tied to a chair in what appears to be a warehouse of some kind. I looked around to see who grabbed me. I felt as I had seen her somewhere not that long ago. My memory hadn't fully returned to me because of the blow to the head.

"Who are you and where am I?" I asked. "Well well if looks like the whore's awake." The person replied. "What do you want from me?" I asked trying to get any answer I could. "You'll see Ms. Morris." The person replied.

Suddenly I see a gun pointed at my face. The person had there finger on the trigger. The last words I heard were "Now you'll see how I feel." She said.

I woke up out of my dream sweating and screaming. My mom ran into my room to see if I was alright.

"Ains are you okay?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, bad nightmare, I am ok." I replied trying to sound calm.

"Try to get some rest. I will see you in the morning." She suggested.

"Thank mom. Goodnight." I said to her as she left the room.

I tried hard to fall back asleep but in all honesty I was scared I was going to return to that horrendous nightmare. I ended up staring at the ceiling for a while though somewhere along the line I actually fell asleep because a couple hours later I was hearing. "Beep, Beep, Beep." My alarm going off.

I jumped out of bed and put my church dress on. I wore a yellow sundress and a pair of gladiator sandals. I tied my hair into a loose braid and put light makeup on. Then I headed downstairs where my parents waited for me so we could head to church.


Sorry for the short chapter but we are on the downhill of My Best Friends Brother. There's only going to be a few chapters left!

Thank you guys so much for all the love and support!

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