New to the team

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Kates age: 22
Yn's age:21
Warning ⚠️
Vomit guns drowning yelling nightmares
Back ground for yn:
Yn grew up in the red room for all of her life, her family never wanted her. To them she was just a silly mistake, so at 3 months old she was given to the red room. She started ballet at 2,combat at 3 and language and the art of disguise at 4. Yn was also placed in the red room unit in London and grew to have a very strong British accent.
Yn was the team leader for her red room and always set examples for the rest of the widows. She also has two close friends, Nancy and maxine (an: yes Ik - stranger things ) who have stuck with her since shield took down the red room 3 weeks ago when fury made a deal with yn where she would join the avengers and in return fury had to provide housing and supplies for max and Nancy and also get yn her stuff she  paid for on missions (like similar clothing, makeup, souvenirs that she wasn't able to pack in her escape bag ). Also unfortunately yn has only had alcohol a phew times and doesn't know the affect of it when you have too much.
Kates pov
I was laying on my bed just relaxing until I hear Jarvis speak to me
Miss bishop your preasence is required in meeting room 2 asap.
Okay Jarvis.
I replied to him and with that I get up and walk to the meeting room
I walked in and saw the whole team ( Tony, Nat,yelena,Clint,Steve, wanda, Bucky, Sam , Peter, vision, rhody)
" hey guys what's this meeting about"
I asked
"That's the thing, Kate we don't know"
Yelena replied
I then turned my head to Tony
" don't look at me, I have no clue"
Tony said
I decided to stop asking questions and sitting down between yelena and Peter.
Just then fury and agent hill walked in,
" I'm sure you all wandered why your here today"
" well yeah kinda" Tony said
" we have a new member for you, about 3 weeks ago Shield took down the last red room in London and a women aged 21, named yn was the team leader, she is the most skilled assassin I have seen in my life, even better then you two"
Fury said looking at yelana and Natasha
" so as tony is throwing a party tonight I have invited her and her two friends, oh and you might want to not upset her or talk about her past otherwise she might pull a gun on you all."
" well that's charming" Steve muttered.
" and one last thing tony what room will yn be staying in from now on."
Agent hill asked
"56, right next to Kate bishops"
And with that they both left
Yn's pov
I heard a knock at mine and the girls hotel room door, I just assume it's the pizza we ordered but just in case Nancy had her gun hidden behind her back. But when I opened the door it was disappointingly just Nick and Maria
" oh please do come in "
I said slightly sarcastically
Time skip 30 mins
Fury had now explained to us when and where the party was while agent hill was bringing all the stuff we requested into our hotel room. Lastly nick explained to me witch room was mine and then they both left just before the pizza came.
Time skip 6 hours (10:30pm)
The party started about an hour ago but I wanted to make a memorable entrance so here I was with Nancy and max stood outside two great big doors in my short black skintight dress.
Kates pov
I was just chatting with the team when the entrance doors opened and I spotted 3 girls approximately my age the one in the middle must be yn and I have to admit she was quite attractive.
Time skip an hour
Yn was currently at the bar and I'm pretty sure this was her 4th vodka coke ( AN :Literally my favourite) tonight already I could tell she was getting tipsy.
Time skip about an hour 1am
At this point yn had just finished her 2nd cocktail and walked off the dance floor heading towards me.
Kate:hey how are u
Yn: good
Yn slurred as she spoke
After about half an hour of getting to know each other I decided I had already fallen for the infamous Yn yln
I also could tell she was about to pass out from tiredness and drunkenness so I offered to carry her to her room in witch she replied with a simple quiet "yes please "
Time skip like 6 mins
Yn: Kate can you stay with me please just in case I choke on my own vomit
Kate:uh yeah sure yn?
I decided to sleep on her couch opposite the bed and a soon as she lay on her bed she had passed out so after I had made sure she was sleeping on her side before going to bed myself
Yn's pov

I was all the sudden back in the red room I knew exactly what day it is June 2nd 2015 I was in the training swimming pool, I had just defended my friend max for screwing up a mission because she passed out from loss of blood and obviously my actions against the red room would not go unpunished so here I was kneeling over the pool edge, they pushed my head under till I stopped breathing and just as they brought me back with cpr I woke up with a scream grabbing my gun pointing it around the room till kate turned on the light

I will write part two soon sorry for not updating I was really busy also I had covid

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