Old 'friends'

752 18 14

TW: slight violence
Background info:

Okay, so basically Yn is a princess (her dad was a king of this like cottage core type kingdom) and kate is an avenger ( none of the avengers died and Thanos does not exist) anyways, so The Avengers have been told that they get paid a lot of money if they will come and protect the Princess on the week of her coronation to become queen because her dad died and her aunt now takes care of her
Anyways, so, obviously Kate used to be like really rich because of her mum
So she used to go to school with Yn when she was little up to the end of primary school( 11 yrs old) , so they have not seen each other in ages.


Kates pov

I'm so excited today we (the avengers) are going to this kingdom called Andalasia ( an: literally love enchanted ) for a whole week to protect their princess because basically her dad died a month ago so the princess now has to be crowned queen but like a week ago she got an anonymous letter saying that someone is coming to take her kingdom from her. So currently me and the avengers are walking to the quinjet ( I think that's how you spell it) so we can go protect her
Natasha: god would you look at Kate she's practically jumping up the walls!
Natasha whispered to Tony
Kate: hey I heard that and I'm just exited ok I've never been to Andalasia before!

Bruce: well neither have we Kate
Clint: and we're not jumping up all the walls.

Yn's pov

So I'm at my dress fitting for the coronation currently and I love my dress don't get me wrong,

So I'm at my dress fitting for the coronation currently and I love my dress don't get me wrong,

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But having like 20 guards surrounding me is ruing the vibe a bit.... Totally just a tad bit.

To their defence though someone is out to kill me some point between right now and next week.

What they all don't know is that I have powers and have taken too many self defence classes so I can look after myself but other then my dead parents nobody else knows that, wich brings us to the point of that my aunt hired THE AVENGERS!!! for a whole entire week gosh I feel bad for them, speaking of all this they should be arriving soon.

What she's currently wearing ( you can change it if you don't like it)

What she's currently wearing ( you can change it if you don't like it)

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