Far far away

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TW: mentally abusive parents

An: I personally don't have mentally abusive parents, but if anyone wants to chat or vent I'm always here. Xxxx

First part Yn is 16
And in the second part Yn is 26
And hailee is 27 and not famous



Yn's pov

Yn's dad: I can't believe you! You are so lazy! All I asked you to do is wash up and dry up.

Yn: but I'm making tea and I already washed up and dried this morning.

Yn's mum: oh come on that's barley anything, just wait until you have children and you want them to help you round the house and those little shits say no!

Yn: I am working incredibly hard right now. I work at a school from Monday to Thursday, on Friday I'm working my ass off from 8 am until 6 pm at college, on Saturday I work an 8 hour shift, where I'm on my feet all day, and on Sunday i do so many assignments, I don't even barley have anytime to myself, this is the first Sunday in forever I've had nothing to work on, I just wanted some down time, to regulate myself!

Yn's dad: exactly your lazy! Just wait until you are a parent like us and you have to -

Yn: have to what- be an actual parent, clean up after myself and my kids, yeah I know, I will teach my kids from the start that they have to work for things, but I will be there to help them, I will teach them how to spot when their help is needed and take action and then I will reward them for their kindness, not with a £200 shopping trip like you guys, but an extra hour of tv, or some homemade Barbie clothes or even a cookie or cupcake. I will teach my kids life skills, but I will not expect them to put them into play fully until they live on their own, and even then if they need my help I will be there, because that is the type of person I am!

Yn's mum: you are selfish, pathetic, and a waste of oxygen. I wish you would just evaporate into thin air!

Yn: don't worry about me mum because In a year and half I'll be gone, far, far away from all you guys, from now on I will save all of my money, and you'll never see me again!

Yn's dad: good, I'm looking forward to it, because when you fail in that plan, in which you will fail. Im going to slam the door in your face when you come running and crying back to us and you will rot on the streets to the end of your miserable mistake of a life!

That was when the twig snapped, the log that had eroded over time into a twig had snapped, I had broken, I ran up into my room, looking up at my wall full of pictures, from the times when I was actually happy, with my friends and when I was 6 or under, from just those pictures alone, I burst out crying and started to hyperventilate, trying to think what went wrong, was it really my fault, did I change, did I become a selfish, spoilt brat just like my parents had been saying to me?

(Yn reflecting on the past year and a half to herself in her head)

I've done it, I've saved up enough money to afford a little cottage in the countryside, 9 hours away from my family, I have a car, so that won't be a problem, I can't wait to move! It took me ages, a lot of extra shifts and an extra job in a restaurant for the last year, but I know that, I will finally be happy. I have money to last me the next two years, so I don't have to rush to find my new job. I look at my empty room, hoping my mum and dad will still be out for a couple more hours.
I look at the plain baby blue walls that used to be covered in artwork and pictures, and posters, I look at the pretty much empty wardrobe, along with the empty shoe basket that sat next to the extremely empty but dust filled book shelf, that used to hold many of my child hood books along with some newer ones.

Hailee Steinfeld one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora