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"What do you want, Kamal? Leave right now if you here to talk about the ring-" Reena spat, her eyes were shut to calm herself because she has already dealt with much in a week and she has no more energy to waste on anyone. She holds up a couple of files to the table and kept them angrily showing her anger towards Kamal, she sat on her father's boss chair in the study room.

"With what you're busy so much?" Kamal simply questioned, pulling the chair out and sitting down there in front of Desai's stubborn daughter who was extremely furious with him.

"You guys don't have time apart from conspiracies and dreaming to rule KGF, somebody has to look after our legal business as well-" she said, closing the file and snapping at Kamal. "I'm just making tender to fill for the project so now excuse me, let me do my work-" she replied, flashing him a fake smile and indirectly asking him to get out of the study room.

"Two days ago, forty-five boys came to write an exam and they are staying in the Bell Hotel. A few of the people staying over there personality matches with that guy." Kamal said, making Reena shortly stare at him with alarm. So they ultimately found him, did they? "Since all our boys are in the hospital, and Rudra is out with Kashish, only you're there who can identify the guy-" he added

"You seriously found him?" she inquired

"He has dared to flirt with my fiancé, of course, I had to find him by hook or by crook even when you're father told me not to." he said, spilling out the information to Desai's daughter who was unaware of this previously.

She raised her eyebrows, "Did you just say that my father asked you not to find who has dared to propose to his daughter and flirt with her openly?" Reena grinned her teeth and fist her palm. Kamal cursed himself inwardly under his breath as he was not supposed to let Reena know about this, she closed her eyes wanting to calm herself and got off of the chair the next moment. "Let's go then, I'll deal with papa after coming back." she said, walking out of the study room while Kamal notified Reena he has some important meeting to attend hence she has to go along with his goons. Reena didn't care much about it nor bothered, she only wanted to find that rebel currently.

In a short period, Reena was walking through the hotel as the guys pounded loudly on doors, startling and pushing several passers-by as they went. As the males patiently waited for her responses, Reena answered on their behalf with a resounding "no." After receiving a negative response, the gang of thugs moved on to the next person, with the same procedure continuing for some time.

"Nobody is gonna hurt him unless I say-" Reena ordered the man who just opened the door for her. He nods positively and they walked to the next door as the procedure continued, for a moment she wondered why she ordered not to harm him. What was wrong with her? A constant thing that was hurting her mind was that guy was drunk and might not even remember what he did in a drunk state, or it was something else.

She scowled at her thoughts.

No! No! No! I can't have a soft corner for that the roadside Romeo. She uttered, instructing herself. "Just because I don't want to hurt him that doesn't mean I've anything for him in my heart, it's just that I'm not cruel like-" she quietly adds and left the statement incomplete.

The group reaches the door of a room, but when they got no response, most of them leave Reena and a few men to guard her. Reena let out a relieved sigh as she looked up from her absent-mindedly fixed gaze and all of sudden Reena yell as she felt a firm hand grab her wrist before being dragged into the hotel room. Reena gasped at recognizing Rocky, her cheeks flushing seeing him in a bathrobe.

"What the hell is wrong with you Reena? You haven't blushed in your entire life, you're not supposed to behave like this." she cursed herself under a breath and let out a deep sigh.

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