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Early in the morning, Reena lazily opens her eyes to find Rocky staring at her with a charming smile on his face. She smiled in sleep and curled up closer to him holding his hand. "Whenever I look at you, I find you staring at me. Even now, when I was sleeping. Why?" she mumbled in sleep closing her eyes back.

He slightly smiled at her words as it was the fact, he stares at her like she was the most precious thing in this world. "Because I can't stop admiring you, darling. I will never be able to stop looking at you because I love you and you're special to me, my love. At first lover and now a mother of my child, do I need any more reason to admire you?" he spoke out, fondling her hair while she nestles closer to him with a smile on her face.

Opening her eyes she stared at him for a moment, "This looks perfect to me, I'm so happy about everything and especially because I have you with me" she murmured looking at him and resting her face against his toned chest making him wrap his arms around her protectively.

He replied humming at her, "Rocky" she calls in a lost tone. "Everything will be good, right?" she asks timidity lifting her face a little up to look at him. "I mean... Papa! I'm still scared about his reaction, I don't want any new trouble now" she lets out

Rocky thought for a moment before he replies, "Your father called last night later, he wish to speak to you but you were sleeping. So he preferred not to disturb you but he has left a message with me. There's some issue in abroad's company and because you are here so he has to handle that, so to sort out the following issue he left for abroad early this morning. He might not be able to communicate with you for a week but he will come to meet you here when he comes back" he sighs finally delivering her the message

Reena had a sudden sadness on her face, "You would have woke me up, it wasn't a big deal." she said in a baby innocent tone

"He didn't want to disturb you so I agree, you can talk to him when he comes back. Infact he will come here to meet you" he simply told

"You're so heartless, Rocky" she commented making a sad face as he said it like it wasn't a big deal. She hasn't seen her father for months now, she is missing him.

"Darling. He would have recognized by your voice that something is bothering you and letting him know about your pregnancy in the unwanted situation can complicate things. Let him come back, I'll deal with the situation, and then I'm not coming in between you two. Spent time with your father, do gossip about me if you want. I won't mind-" he smiled at her and she cracked up at him.

"Leo and I do gossip about you" she told playfully smiling at him and he rolled his eyes. "Why do you have to be so jealous of my baby all the time?" she asks looking at him

"Because you love him more than you love me. You keep telling him I love you hundreds of times a day but you haven't said that once to me. How I'm not supposed to be jealous of him?" he said in a complaining tone with apparent jealousy on his face.

She laughed at him, "I already told you what I feel for you, I don't think it's necessary to tell you those three words" she teasingly smiled at him, and he sarcastically chuckled at her. "So you have decided to make me wait for long, maybe until I go mad" he said

"Remember you once told me that you can read my eyes, reading it in my eyes then" she said pecking a kiss on his lips, "You know, you are so cute sometimes" she said looking at his not-so-happy face and laughing at him. "Don't. Don't call me cute, it harms me devil image" he said immediately

She chuckled at his words, "Rocky. What do you want, a boy or girl?" she curiously ask looking at him. "I guess, I love to be the father of both. Maybe, we can plan more babies in the future." he mischievously smiles at her "More important to me is your health, our baby's health" he told

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