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It was all silent around when Rocky walked inside the study room, where Rudra and Reena were discussing the office stuff as always. He didn't interrupt the duo and sat on the couch aside watching them. "What are you doing here? I thought you went to look after mine" Reena snapped at Rocky and he shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't go" he simply told without reasoning exactly anything.

"Why do you two look so serious?" He inquired looking at the duo looking emphasizing something important. "There is some problem with the tender, some other company is coming in between and we want this project" Rudra told entwining his fingers crossed and staring at him.

"I can deal with it" Rocky said making her sharply stare at him, "No. I know how you deal with people and I don't like that, you already know that well" she said staring at him sternly and making him chuckle. She rolled her eyes at him and stared back into the files, "Plus I don't need any help from you" she said

"I'm just trying to help you with the issue" he said leaving no effect on her to react anything big, "Do I try to help you with your mine, Rocky?" she snapped at him with a smirk, "My father handed over me the business seeking the ability to take it next level so whatever it is but I'll deal with it on my own" she said in a not-so-good mood

Rocky understood something is bothering his wife and she was probably keeping it to her. She doesn't talk like that unless she's a good point to be like this with someone.

"I've made the tender again, submit this one quickly" she said forwarding a file towards Rudra and he nods in agreement. "Also I need to see the financial statement analysis and records of the last three years. I need to see the record of money withdrawal from the company's account, get me that as soon as possible" she added startling Rudra for a moment.

Rudra takes a moment to answer back to her, "I've been looking after everything well, it's fine and I don't think you need to look after these small things" Rudra pretended to be normal in front of her while Rocky somehow understood what was coming towards them.

She glared at her friend for a second and smiled sarcastically, "You think me as of dump, Rudra? Just because I'm locked up here you think I won't know anything you have been doing back of me?" she sternly said, staring at him. She takes out the files from the drawer and kept them with a bang on the table in front of him.

"I've already analyzed the record of the last three years of expenses about the company had and all the money taken out by you from our accounts" she said, "12 times Rudra. 12 times! You've been withdrawing a huge amount for last two years from the account without my knowledge just because I've given you signing authority" she said with the anger in her tone. "Take some effort Rudra Nanda and explain to me what are you doing with that all the money, where it is and for what purpose it is being used" she added leaning back on her chair

Rudra slightly snapped at Rocky and they stared at each other for a moment, "Money is safe Reena, don't you trust me" he snapped back at her immediately

"I didn't trust my father with business so it would be unfair to him to trust anyone else out there. I don't even trust myself, Rudy" she said sternly

"Darling. Take it easy" Rocky finally spoke something

"I can't" she sharply snapped at him, "I know well that you know about this something and I won't be shocked if it turns out that you are behind this" she said looking at him with seriousness, "You have three days Rudra, just three days. Prepare whatever reports you can present in your justification. I'll be visiting the office soon." she said getting off the chair and walked off the room.

"I'm gone" Rudra told to Rocky making sure Reena went far enough to not hear them. He turned his chair in Rocky direction and looks worriedly, "Have you seen how she was looking at us, she knows that something is there we are not telling her" Rudra said

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