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With a heavy head and dizzy sense–Abhimanyu woke up with a terrible headache after his harsh encounter with Rocky unexpectedly. Opening his eyes he saw Kaeya leaning against the door with a smirky–dominating smile on her face.

"Good morning" she wishes walking inside the bedroom and moving the curtain making way for sunlight to enter the gloaming bedroom.

Abhimanyu wheezed lightly–covering his eyes with his palm when rays falls on his face. He could feel some pain in his facial muscles–after all Rocky hit him like mad. He was still alive after everything he told the monster in disguise as a human, isn't it a big deal?

"Don't tell me something happened last night" he murmured to Kaeya when she was searching for something in his room after opening the windows. He barely remembers anything from last night except his encounter with Rocky. When–how he came back home was even a question to him.

Kaeya chuckles turning at him, "I don't sleep with men who are in love with another girl–your bad" she smirks at him. "Well, what made drink like there's no tomorrow and-" she paused finally finding the first aid box from his room.

"What happened to your handsome face?" she raises a question walking towards him and pointing at the dried blood on the corner of his lips–a dark scar on his forehead.

She remembers well how drunk last night Abhimanyu came back home and then fell asleep. She made an effort to help him out but drunk him wanted to stay away from everyone around. Maybe he already and always knew–the drunk version of him has the power to do things he will surely regret later.

"Rocky happened" Abhimanyu spoke out sighing at her, moving the comforter from his body and getting down from the bed.

Kaeya smiled folding her hands across her chest neatly, "Let me guess–you got drunk and said things about Reena to Rocky and the devil gave you some hard sometimes to even breath, isn't it?" she called into question almost being sure about her guess.

"Almost" he let out

"Why did you have to meet him in the first place? He could turn out dangerous for you, isn't he possessive about his wife?" Kaeya said pressing her lips against each other.

"He wanted to talk, I was drunk to think sensibly and then I thought–let's do something adventure which turned out to be a suicide mission but I'm alive–so I won" Abhimanyu told sounding obvious

"And I pissed him off–that was fun" he added making Kaeya chuckle immediately in a fun manner. "What exactly you told him?" she inquired and the next moment he narrated everything he remembered from last night.

Kaeya laughed the second he finished–she couldn't imagine Abhimanyu as an obsessed lover which he was pretty sounding in his narration to her.

"Don't laugh. It's your fault–you were spoiling my mind to do such nonsense things and I lost my mind last night. I'm not hearing anything from you next time" he said sounding almost like he is complaining.

"Don't blame me! For the last three years, I've been trying to get you settled with someone but you–my god. I've tried sending you on the date and you ran away like that girl was eating you up. You just couldn't get over Reena–and I'm not so good at heart to think wise." she said pausing for a second

"You get her or forget her–there's no other option. You can't forget her so I told you to get her by hook or by crook. I was trying to be a good friend but I forgot a good human like you is a saint" she taunted him in her serious tone

Abhimanyu averted his gaze aside, "I think we should leave India before I lose my mind" he abruptly spoke much to Kaeya's surprise.

"Are you afraid of Rocky, aren't you?" she asks mockingly. Abhimanyu rolled his eyes, "Not even in your best dreams" he fakes a smile at her

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