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"Reena! Are you feeling better now?" Kashish entered the room inquiring followed by a servant carrying a tray that had a bowl of soup. As Reena was still somehow feeling uneasy and wasn't wishing to eat anything hence Kashish got soup for her friend.

Reena remained quiet gazing at the floor blankly, Kashish asks the servant to keep the tray on the table and excuse them as her friend didn't look state of even uttering a word. The young girl haven't uttered a word since she woke up which made all worried for her, it felt like she was sinking back into the same deep ocean of darkness.

Reena sprawled back on the bed, resting her head on the headboard of the mattress without showing any exact emotions on her face. Kashish went and sat next to her buddy on the bed, "Reena! Please don't do this again, talk to us." she spoke out, wrapping her around Reena's shoulder and looking at her pleadingly.

While Reena was just trying to crop up with her feelings right away and just wanted to breathe around which seems a task to her. She has just accepted the reality but it doesn't mean she has forgiven herself for what happened years back. But she doesn't want to bother anyone, her sudden panic attacks have caused everyone to worry and this is not something she wants.

She breathed barely in the process to get back to her normal state, "Kashish!" Reena finally spoke out the first word after hours making her friend relieved. She makes a sound of acknowledgment at Reena with a smile, "Don't worry! I'm fine." Reena continues, peeking at her friend. "It's late! I think you should leave for home." she told not wanting to discuss anything about what's happened, she sounded more normal than before.

"Hey! What's going on girls? And how are you now Reena?" Andrew stood at the door looking at them. Reena smiled slightly nodding at her uncle answering him. "Good! Kashish, let's go back home beta." he says looking at his daughter who looked confused, "Dad! Can't I stay back with Reena?" she asks in the sweetest tone

"It's okay, Kashish. I told you I'm fine now if you want then come early in the morning tomorrow." Reena told, knowing her friend don't want to leave her alone but she wants some space right now. She wondered what would have happened if she didn't have her friends standing strong with her and comforting her always. She would've never survived all the dark phases of her life without those incredible friends beside her.

Kashish left with Andrew but made sure Reena had her soup right in front of her, as she left Reena sprawled over the bed on her stomach and hugged her pillow when Leo walked in the room and jumped on the bed beside Reena. "Now you don't look at me like dying! I'm okay, Leo." she told him as he looked at her big puppy eyes.

After a long silence when Reena was about to embrace sleep she heard Leo whining aggressively, "Is that you?" she asked without even looking who it was as for some unknown reason she already knew who was there. She brushes her hair off her face with her fingers and rests her chin back on the soft pillow. She knew it was Rocky but was in the least mood to argue with him about anything, "Leo! Stay calm and get on the couch." she told with her palm rubbing his head soothingly which Leo always loved. Obeying her order Leo went and sat on the couch but not before he scowled at Rocky and he fakes a smile in return.

"And then you claim not to love me when you can sense it's me without even looking." Rocky says as he sat on the edge of the bed when she shut her eyes in regret for behaving normally like she knows Rocky for years. She is aware that she is being outrageously harsh to someone's sincere feelings, but she needed to be hard on him.

"Can't you stop coming through the balcony?" she intentionally sharpened her tone, she sat straightening her posture on the bed. "It's not even that somebody is stopping you from entering the house." she added rolling her eyes and flipping her hair back lightly as usual.

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