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"Is Reena okay now?" Desai inquired worriedly looking at Abhimanyu who just walked into the living room where Rocky, Rudra, and Desai were sitting discussing the sudden attack. The bullet just passed touching Reena's arm but the havoc Rocky created a few hours ago was just insane. He just went mad seeing his lady love's injured hand with all the blood.

"She's perfectly alright uncle and infact playing with Leo. She has taken the delicate doll comment too seriously and now coming up as a strong woman I guess." he said sitting next to Rudra and staring at Rocky who still looks furious about the attack, he can see that rage on his face. The regret was as well because she got hurt in front of him and he kept seeing her.

"I'm not going to leave the person who dares try to attack my girl." Rocky murmured under his breath, he was not going to breathe in relief unless and until he find that person behind the attack and kill him mercilessly. For now, he was just calm because she was perfectly alright and lucky enough that the attacker missed targetted injuring her hand. She just came out of coma two weeks back, she wasn't even fully recovered and this happened.

"I can't understand why suddenly these attack?" Rudra said, sounding suspicious about the attack. He was worried about his friend and her health.

"I'm sure that attack was planned for Rocky but my daughter got hurt in this mess." Desai said snapping at Rocky who was staring down with an unfocused gaze, "Even if you don't want still my daughter is been troubled." he added while Rocky was hearing all and he didn't mind because it was Father's concern for his daughter.

"I don't think uncle that Rocky is responsible or he was the target." Abhimanyu said making the duo snap at him while Rocky was still in place. "Both times it was Reena, who was targeted. I can understand the point that they try to harm Reena and get Rocky out of KGF so that they can kill him. But what's the point in targeting Reena when Rocky was already standing in front of them? They could have shoot Rocky instead of Reena, isn't it? It's obvious that whoever it was but the target was Reena and not Rocky." he kept his theory in front of them which sounded quite possible.

"But why anyone will try to kill Reena? I had enemies over the years but never Reena was targeted then how suddenly she's been tried to kill." Desai said

"And most importantly what if that someone again tries to kill Reena? We can't even control Reena and ask her not to go out, we all know her. And then for how long she will stay inside the house. A month, 2..3..4, or what exact number of months she will stay inside the house? The only solution I see is finding that person." Rudra said

Rocky, who was listening to all finally stood up adjusted his coat, and announced "I'm taking Reena with me." he said making the trio shocked and they stood in front of him in stunned.


They snapped at the owner of the voice, Reena. She was standing near the stairs with Leo and Kashish by her side and all she looked at was shocked. She couldn't believe her ears of what they just heard and what he announced without her concern. Doesn't matter how good he is thinking for her but that doesn't mean that he has got the right to tell her what she will do and what not. He seriously can't decide on her behalf without her acknowledgment.

Reena was looking at Rocky in disbelief when he snapped at her and watched her expressions which were not pleasant or happy about his decision. He steadily walks towards her, holding her hand tight while she watched him "You are coming with you, okay." he softly said looking at her

"You can't do this to me, Rocky" she whispered with glassy eyes to him, "I can go up to any extent to protect you. Even if I have to stand against you to protect you, then even it's fine to me." he said holding her hand more tightly and all she had was a disbelieving look on her face. She was disheartened about his decision, it just didn't feel right to her.

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