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two months later

After major surgery and weeks of treatment, Reena was finally discharged from the hospital and she was back in the palace. She was physically recovering but mentally still depressed resulting in things getting anomalous between Rocky and Reena. She found solace in being alone these days while Rocky didn't leave her alone even for a second even when she chose to stay silent.

It was tough for both of them to cope with their sentiments, it's still arduous to believe that their child died in her womb and they won't be able to have a child ever in life again.

The loss will remain with them forever!

Reena was half lying on the bed, her hand lingering on her flat belly. A couple of months back their child was growing inside her and now he/she is no more with them. It was more than tough to process and accept the actuality, her heart broke for the child who died in her womb.

What was his fault?

Nothing but he paid worst than them-

Every day is difficult for her when she wants to break down and cry her heart out in Rocky's arms but her tears refused to make their way out of her eyes. Even her eyes were exhausted from crying now, her heart was so full of pain that now even the worst thing doesn't matter to her anymore.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save you baby" Reena murmured in a blank tone taking her hand finally away from the belly. She has to accept the reality and move on in life because even after whatever happened she has to let the pain go. She can't live with this pain for her entire life, indeed their loss will always stay with her but she has to let her anguish go.

She can't make herself and Rocky suffer anymore, he had suffered thought-out his life and she can't make him suffer more distancing herself from him.

A knock on the door broke the chain of her thoughts, "Huh. Reena?" Abhimanyu said, standing close to the door and she nods slightly asking him to come inside. "How are you, Reena?" he inquired sitting in the bedroom at some distance from her.

Pausing for a minute she finally spoke, "I don't know. I feel like I'm going back to the same state when mamma-" she said, sighing slightly. "It's difficult, Abhi. Very difficult" she said laying back her head comfortably on the pillow and adjusting on the back of the bed's headboard.

Abhimanyu looks down for a moment, it's still hard for him to see her in the state. Every visible injury on her body reminds him of two months back, her state and her pain. Gently placing his hand on hers, he snapped at her with a soothing expression.

"I can't feel the pain you are going through but I can see the pain in your eyes, I can feel the pain seeing you like this because-" he paused realizing she isn't just his ex-girlfriend or friend now but also someone's wife and was about to be a mother of that man's child.  It would be wrong to say about what he still has in his heart, especially knowing her vulnerable state and little differences between the couple.

"Because-" she inquires back and he nods negatively, "Ease that because from your mind" he told smiling at her. She sadly chuckled at him, "Maybe I was punished for breaking your pure heart-" she said with a painful smile on her face.

"No. Don't even dare to think like this, don't connect two completely different things from each other. You know I always want good for you, always. I loved you and you love Rocky, not loving back isn't a sin, Reena" he said holding on her hand lightly and she nods slightly at him in agreement. She knows well how much he loves her and always wished good for her.

Honestly, he is the man of every girl's dreams. A perfect real and ideal hero of any girl's fictional world. But then her dreams were never typical like any other normal girl.

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