chapter one

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You could hear the screams of young girls from miles away as three buses rolled up to 'Camp Walden'.

To say that there were too many girls would have been an understatement. The entire place was chaotic, voices incredibly loud going from introductions to frantic cries about not having any signal on their phones, to bags being thrown in the air and girls not knowing where their bunk was.

And as Maeve Junior, the camp's owner daughter and right hand man who was called Maeve, yelled out bunk assignments, Luna Bishop desperately tried to wiggle her duffle out of the bag pile in which it had been buried in.

"New here?" Luna's head snapped towards the voice, finding a girl carrying her bag.

Luna gave her a small smile. "That obvious, huh?"

The girl shrugged. "Yeah. You really should've grabbed it before they threw more on top of it. It's practically impossible to get it out if you don't."

Luna groaned. "Just great."

She desperately looked around, trying to find any way of getting her duffel bag when out of nowhere, a hero shows up.
The hero in question was a twelve year old girl in a tie dye shirt. She grabbed her bag from the bottom of the pile with no struggle. Luna's eyes widened.

"Now, that's my kind of woman." Luna said in awe. "Yo, tie dye girl!" She yelled out and the girl turned out. "Can you please help me? My duffel is buried way in here. It's the bright yellow one." Luna pointed to the duffel pile.

"Sure!" The girl happily replied and walked over to Luna, easily pulling her bright yellow duffel bag out. She read the name tag and her eyes widened once she read it. "Wow, you're from California? Do you live in Hollywood?"

"Do you live, like, next door to a movie star?" The other girl excitedly asked.

Luna giggled. "What are you two, Lucy and Ethel? I've never even been to Hollywood. I live in Napa, that's northern California. I live next door to a vineyard."

"A what-yard?" The tie dye girl asked.

"A vineyard. It's where you grow grapes to make wine. That's what we do, my mom and I. We own a vineyard." Luna explained.

"Bishop, Luna." Maeve Junior, the woman giving out bunk assignments, yelled out her name.

"Here!" Luna replied.


The two girls hanging out with Luna excitedly exclaimed at the same time, "That's where I am!"

They smiled at each other and started walking.

"What are you guys' names?" Luna asked.



"So, any of you know how to play poker?" Luna asked as they walked off to where they would be sleeping in. The two of them shook their heads.

Meanwhile, a limo pulled up to the camp as everyone who was walking by watched in awe. Whispers discussing who it could be ironically could be heard a mile away.

A green eyed woman with copper hair stepped out of the car, looking out of place. She fixed her blazer that had scrunched up in the drive and looked around as Caterina stepped out of the car.

"Well, here we are. Camp Warden for girls." Gabriella said. "We travelled all the way from London for this?"

Caterina looked around mesmerized. "It's rather picturesque, don't you think?" She asked. Gabriella looked around and scoffed.

"Not exactly the term I think I would have used, piccolina. Right, should we review your mamma's list?" Caterina hummed. "Now, let's see. Vitamins?"




"List of daily fruits and vegetables?"

"Check, check." Gabriella raised an eyebrow at her. "Check for fruits, check for vegetables. Go on."

"Sunblock, lip balm, insect repellent, stationary, stamps, photographs of your mamma, Amelia, Jo, and, of course, your favorite, me." She said as the driver took out Caterina's luggage from the trunk, lining all three identical of them. Gabriella put her phone away and smiled at Caterina.

"Got it all, I think." She giggled.

"Oh, and here's a little something from Amelia. A brand new deck of cards. Maybe you'll actually find somebody in this continent who can beat your ass at poker." Gabriella mischievously smirked as she handed her the deck of cards, playfully looking around as to see if anyone would be up for the challenge.

"Well, I doubt it, but thanks. And thanks for bringing me here, Aunt Gabri." Caterina softly smiled at her. Gabriella's eyes teared up and she playfully rolled them. She opened her arms and hugged Caterina, firmly squeezing her.

"Now, if you change your mind and want me to come here and pick you up at the end of camp, I'm only a phone call away."

"Thanks, but I'll be fine. Really. See you in eight weeks, Aunt Gabri."

"Missing you already, piccolina." Gabriella replied and stuck her hand out. Caterina took it with a smile and shook it vigorously. The two of them started their handshake, which was full of butt bumps and shimmying.

Once it was over, the pair hugged and Gabriella kissed her on the forehead. "Have fun!"

"I will." Caterina giggled.

Gabriella got in the back of the car, waving at Caterina and gave the driver instructions, quickly driving away.

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